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More than 16,000 buses involved at World Cup 2018 are connected to the ERA-GLONASS system

Customers: Volleyball club Dynamo – Leningrad Region

Pinery (Leningrad Region); Show business, leisure, sport

Contractors: SpaceTeam

Project date: 2017/12  - 2018/05

On July 31, 2018 the SpaceTeam company reported that more than 16,000 buses involved during the World Cup in soccer-2018 are connected to the ERA-GLONASS system.

System implementation of satellite monitoring of transport and installation of the navigation and coherent equipment GLONASS/GPS were executed in compliance by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 9, 2017 N202 "About features of application of the strengthened security measures during in the Russian Federation the FIFA World Cup of FIFA of 2018 and the Cup of confederations of FIFA of 2017. We as official carrier, works on equipment of buses as the equipment of satellite navigation, its identification in the ERA-GLONASS system carried out in time. It allowed us to ensure additional safety of transportation of athletes, transferring information on location, the direction and motion speed of buses to autonomous nonprofit organization "Transport directorate of the FIFA World Cup of 2018 in the Russian Federation.

The equipment of satellite navigation provides operational receiving and information storage about location, the direction and motion speed of the bus, including data on geographic latitude and longitude of location of the bus; about traveling coal and motion speed of the bus; about time and date of fixing of location of the bus and also timely and uninterrupted access of autonomous nonprofit organization "Transport Directorate of the FIFA World Cup of 2018 in the Russian Federation" to this information after its receipt in the ERA-GLONASS system.

Executing this project, we connected and identified in ERA-GLONASS system 4,783 of the CU and got useful experience of work with a large number of the companies carriers as we in a short time performed deliveries, installation, check and identification of the equipment and also collecting and the analysis of documentation for the operator of GAIS "ERA-GLONASS". I think that these skills will be useful to us in the nearest future for implementation of Government decree No. 153.
Alexey Smyatskikh, CEO of navigation holding of the SpaceTeam

Let's remind that within performance of the Decree of the President of 5/9/2017 No. 202 "About features of application of the strengthened security measures during in the Russian Federation the FIFA World Cup of FIFA of 2018 and the Cup of confederations of FIFA of 2017" regarding the organization of movement between host cities during the Championship and to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11/25/2017 No. 1426, was imposed a ban on entrance of the buses which are not equipped with the equipment of the satellite navigation identified in GAIS "ERA-GLONASS" to the cities hosting the World Cup: from June 1 to July 17 on the territory of Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Sochi, St. Petersburg, and from June 1 to June 30 – on the territory of Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Saransk, Kaliningrad.

The automated system of monitoring of AYR allows to distinguish the violations made by drivers of the buses equipped with the equipment of satellite navigation in the automatic mode: unplanned stops more than 60 minutes, a deviation from a route more than on 100 m, lack of a telematic signal more than 2 hours. These measures were undertaken for ensuring additional safety of fans.