Customers: RIEPP (The Russian research institute of economy, policy and right in the scientific and technical sphere)
Contractors: Atlas Soft Product: Etla (e-document flow)На базе: Platform Etla Project date: 2018/01 - 2018/06
On August 1, 2018 the Atlas Soft company announced that Federal State Budgetary Institution The Russian Research Institute of Economy, Policy and Right in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (RIEPP) began work in Etla electronic document management system.
In an early autumn of 2017 specialists of RIEPP it was decided to pick up the electronic document management system intended for automation of the activity of employees of institute connected with document handling, namely, processes of creation, approval, a statement, registration and mailing of documents and also control of performance of the related resolutions and tasks.
Creation of EDMS at institute pursued the following main objectives:
- creation of the uniform automated control system for electronic document management integrating all structural divisions of institute;
- increase in efficiency and efficiency and also quality of the made management decisions due to timely providing necessary information;
- increase in efficiency of information and documentary support of activity of institute;
- reduction of terms of processing of the entering and outgoing documents;
- increase in efficiency of interaction of geographically distributed divisions of institute;
- ensuring effective control of execution of documents and instructions;
- reduction of terms of preparation and approval of documents;
- introduction of the uniform standard of work with electronic documents providing security, controllability and availability of documents;
- creation of uniform storage of electronic documents.
Within effective objectives the following problems had to be solved:
- automation of the general document flow and management processes:
- automation of all stages of lifecycle of documents: approvals, statements, registration, executions, storages;
- flexible routing of documents according to the principles of the process approach to management;
- automatic tracking of the sequence and runtime of functions and tasks, routes of documents, employee occupation at different stages of process;
- implementation in the system of the mechanism of the consolidated statements on different aspects of the organization activity connected with processing of documentation;
- creation of the centralized structured storage of documents with differentiation of access rights of users;
- creation of the convenient mechanism of quick search of the document;
- ensuring safe work in EDMS and data transmissions on the insecure channels of communication.
During study of the above described tasks specialists of Atlas Soft together with department of information technologies of institute came to a conclusion that IT specialists of institute will be able independently to make a full range of works on setup and system implementation, using a broad spectrum of subsystems, designers and editors who are included in delivery of a system.
As a result, within a month, the structure of uniform storage of documents was created, cards for each document type are configured, reference books are added, user groups are created and access rights to segments of storage are configured, business processing of the entering and outgoing documents are created, a number of reports on different aspects of the activity of institute connected with processing of documentation is created.
Further it is going to expand functionality of a system and to connect to work in it all departments of institute.