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Cloud4Y provided "To construction and investment company "SAS" cloud IT infrastructure

Customers: SAS (Construction and investment company)

Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: Cloud4Y (Fleks LLC)
Product: Cloud4Y IaaS

Project date: 2018/01  - 2018/06

On August 17, 2018 Cloud4Y announced that it provided "To construction and investment company "SAS" cloud IT infrastructure

Corporate cloud Cloud4Y provided to SAS company virtual computing powers in lease on model IaaS. The Cloud4Y platform is built based on technologies virtualizations VMware with support of cluster options. The equipment (a blade -servers HP C7000 DWH NetApp, Juniper 40G) is posted online safe data processing centers century Russia. The high level of availability of services is fixed by legal and financial guarantees.

Thanks to the choice of cloud computing "SAS" had an opportunity not to increase investment into the non-core and quickly depreciating assets - servers, switches, the software. In total with reduction of operating costs on service of IT infrastructure due to use of the acquired techniques and technologies and also resources of Cloud4Y company, it brings to increase in investment attractiveness of the cloud tenant.