In August, 2018 results of researches about date of Minoan eruption of Santorini which destroyed the island of the Shooting gallery were published and it was more powerful than explosion of Krakatau.
By estimates of researchers of the University of Arizona in the USA, it occurred during the period between 1600 and 1525 B.C. The Science Alert edition reported about it.
Minoan eruption is referred to ultrapliniansky type. On a scale of volcanic activity (VEI) it on two points exceeded eruption of Vesuvius in the 79th year and Saint Helens in 1980 and on one point — Krakatau in 1883 and Pinatubo's explosion in 1991.
Specialists defined some characteristics of a volcanic eruption on the basis of geological characteristics of the land surface and a bottom near islands of an arkhipeleg of Santorini. By their estimates, the volcano threw out from 40 to 80 km ³ rock, and the eruptivny column reached height almost in 40 km.
Power of explosion was comparable with a power of 200 thousand atomic bombs, dropped on Hiroshima. After filling of a muzzle of a volcano with water there was its evaporation and huge force explosion (effect of the boiler) which caused a tsunami, height, presumably, from 100 to 200 meters. It is considered that eruption caused decline of a krito-Minoan civilization.
Such powerful eruption is unconditional could not but have impacts on the nature of weather conditions and on change of climatic characteristics on all the globe, at least, for several years. On it the research of scientists is also constructed.
The researches conducted earlier showed that Minoan eruption happened between 1650 and 1500 B.C.
In new work scientists analyzed 285 samples of the long-living trees growing in the territory of North America and Ireland[1].
As the strong volcanic eruption causes falling of transparency of the atmosphere on all Earth and a global cold snap, wood annual rings become thinner. Using the radio-carbon analysis it is possible to determine the age of rings.
Scientists detected in samples from different places of the globe of 4 very narrow rings whose age reached about 3600 years. According to them, Minoan eruption is the reason of it. Thus, the volcanic eruption took place in 1582 B.C. that does not contradict earlier received results.
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