Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Numerator for bpm’online

The name of the base system (platform): Bpm`online
Developers: Software technologies Samara
Technology: MDM - Master Data Management - Management of the main master data

Numerator for bpm’online — the designer of number of entry in any section of bpm'online.

At a large number of entries in any section of a system use of Numerator for bpm'online allows to execute marking of elements much quicker in comparison with manual entry for each element. A system will automatically create number according to the set template. According to settings, number is generated after preserving of record. The template of number of record most precisely and fully provides information on it in a laconic form.

Flexible configuration of numbering helps to optimize work not to spend time for the next input of the difficult and unique name.


  • the choice of a field in which the configured number will be displayed;
  • designing of number of record using blocks with different types of values;
  • parameter setting in the block on one of 7 types of numbering;
  • installation of numbering for the subordinated records depending on parent;
  • creation of a mask of number, being guided by the preconfigured reference book of letters;
  • viewing result of setup of number, without passing into the section;
  • fixing of several numbering rules at the same time;
  • installation of different numbering of records by default and for the records corresponding to the set condition;
  • determination on what values of the reference book conditional numbering is based.