Customers: Pension Kapital (Kapital IFD Financial group)
Contractors: Aplana Aplana Product: BOSS-Referent (product)Project date: 2009/09
For increase in its efficiency, quality and service rate of clients, including territorially remote, the management made the decision on system implementation of managerial electronic document management. Priority the following tasks were defined: creation of a common information space and the communication links connecting the staff of the organization placed at two territorially remote offices in Moscow and in the separate divisions located in regions; ensuring effective control of execution of documents; reduction of terms of preparation and approval of documents; introduction of the uniform standard of work with electronic document management providing security, controllability and availability of documents; increase in efficiency of document retrieval.
For the beginning of 2008 in systems 170 users worked.
System implementation was implemented by joint forces of specialists of Aplana and Pension Kapital companies. Works on formalization of requirements, development of regulations and preparation for implementation were executed by Aplana company; the staff of Pension Capital performed the EDMS BOSS-Referent installation, its setup and commissioning independently with consulting support of specialists of Aplana. Creation of EDMS lasted 4 months. BOSS-Referent covered 5 non-state funds and 18 branches located in the large cities of the Russian Federation. As a result of implementation of EDMS work with the following document types was automated: the entering / outgoing letters, powers of attorney, ORD, regulating documents, memos, requests, instructions, agreements and contractual documents. Within the project integration with an internal system of accounting of pension liabilities which provided end-to-end processing of the documents on provision of pensions arriving from clients of non-state pension funds (physical persons and legal entity) was implemented. It allowed to exclude double document registration and to accelerate their passing to the contractor. Since January, 2008 EDMS BOSS-Referent is in commercial operation. Within the second stage of the project the Aplana company integrated an electronic document management system BOSS-Referent with electronic archive SAPERION for the organization of work with large volumes of electronic documents into Pension Kapital companies. In a project deliverable load of the IBM Lotus Notes/Domino server was reduced, the possibility of long document storage using SAPERION services is provided and also the ability to integrate information from the different systems was provided.