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Farmers of Yugra will receive state support through an information system

Customers: Department of information technologies of KhMAO

Khanty-Mansiysk; Government and social institutions

Product: FSIS (individual development)

Project date: 2018/03

On October 4, 2018 Depinformtekhnology Yugry announced TAdviser that he together with Deppromyshlennosti Yugra implements the project on creation of the automated information and analytical system of agro-industrial complex of the autonomous area (AIAS agrarian and industrial complex). As the contractor on the project Informatsionnye sistemy i servisy LLC acts.

According to representatives of Department, the information system will help to simplify rendering state support to participants of agricultural industry of Yugra at all levels: to agricultural producers, administrations of municipalities and district Department of the industry. With introduction of AIAS agrarian and industrial complex farmers, individual and business owners in the field of agricultural industry will be able already to submit applications, protocols, approvals and other reporting documentation in the automatic mode. Earlier they had to collect all document package in paper form and to transfer personally in administration of municipalities, sometimes overcoming for this purpose long distances from the remote settlements and settlements. As a result of introduction of an information and analytical system time for filing of application and submission of reports electronically will be reduced. Also work will become simpler and for local administrations – a system will allow to avoid paper document flow, to collect and accumulate statistical data and to prepare the analytical reporting.

Further also the procedure of the agreement between municipalities and receivers of state support will become simpler – it will be confirmed by the electronic digital signature. Also integration of AIAS agrarian and industrial complex into the Portal of state services is planned and logging into the personal account of an agricultural producer will be possible only via the portal.

All complex of services of the automated information and analytical system of regional agricultural industry will allow to monitor selectively Deppromyshlennosti Yugra work of municipalities in the direction of rendering state support.

As representatives Depinformtekhnology Yugry emphasized, during creation of a system requirements of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11/16/2015 No. 1236 were observed ("About establishment of prohibition on the admission of the software coming from the foreign states for the purposes of implementation of purchases for ensuring the state and municipal needs"). All project and technical solutions of software meet the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

For October, 2018 within execution of works of the first stage AIAS agrarian and industrial complex it is unrolled at server capacities of a regional data processing center of Yugra and put into trial operation. Completion of works on creation of a system and input in commercial operation are planned for the last decade 2018.

In 2019 using an information system it is going to provide the state support to 350 agricultural producers.