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SonoSite Synchronicity (program for control of a worker thread of ultrasonography)

Developers: Fujifilm SonoSite
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2018
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2018: Software exit

On October 1, 2018 the Fujifilm SonoSite company, engaged in development of the ultrasonic systems for researches directly at the patient's bed, announced entry into the market of the software with the program of control of workflow SonoSite Synchronicity.

The software of SonoSite Synchronicity is designed to help medical institutions to optimize workflows, to maximize income, to increase efficiency and quality of work and also to optimize processes of accounting of data. Optimization of administrative tasks increases capacity of an ultrasonography office that finally increases satisfaction of patients.

Fujifilm released software for control of a worker thread at ultrasonography

The SonoSite Synchronicity program will be integrated with the existing data management systems that will allow to use the current credentials for login, and can be implemented in several departments of the organization at the same time. At the same time interaction of all ultrasonic devices with one software, regardless of the supplier, helps to adhere to uniform standards of work. And the simplified process of the reporting guarantees that all researches conform to qualifying standards that raises the profit of the organizations.

According to recommendations about confidential information protection of health of patients, the software of SonoSite Synchronicity helps the organizations to provide the high level of security. Multifactor authentication and authentication of the Active Directory allows to provide access or to refuse it depending on specialty, work location and a user profile and also allows users to get access from any device connected to network. At the same time process optimization of authentication provides simple access to necessary documentation and allows doctors to submit the application for additional privileges if it is necessary.[1]
