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Developers: Google
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2018
Branches: Information technologies

2018: Application launch

In October, 2018 Google announced the mobile application allowing to bypass censorship on the Internet. Android program under the name Intra it is developed by a technology incubator of Jigsaw  entering into Alphabet holding.

Developers position Intra as the tool for Internet connection enciphering which does not allow to intercept illegally traffic and to substitute the web addresses.

Google released the application for an Internet censorship bypass

The service uses  DNS-over-HTTPS technology which redirects the user to  the necessary IP address through the ciphered connection.

Intra  provides you more secure and open Internet access, said in the description to the application.

Mobile software is hidden from Internet service providers by information on what site the user wants to visit not to allow blocking of a request. Thus, the application allows to come on all resources blocked in this or that country including in Russia.[1]

Jigsaw notes that through Intra it is possible to visit  the prohibited websites, actually  without violating any law. So far it is unclear how the authorities of the different countries will treat  the similar application  and also  whether the application for iOS will appear. By October 8, 2018 the application is available in Google Play shop.[2]

Intra is the project open source. Its source codes are laid out on the GitHub portal. The application is used by default by the DNS server of Google, at the same time users can also  select public DNS server from Cloudflare, "guaranteeing lack of tracking of action and collecting of personal data for commercial purposes", or any other safe DNS server.

According to the CNET edition, before application launch in a public access Jigsaw developers tested it on small group of activists in Venezuela where Intra quickly extended on "gossip hotline".
