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Huawei AI + Digital Platform

Developers: Huawei
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2018
Last Release Date: November, 2018
Technology: IaaS - Infrastructure as service,  SDN Software-Defined Network Software-defined networks,  DWH,  Data processing centers - technologies for DPC



The announcement of the AI platform for the "smart" cities

At the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) exhibition which took place from November 13 to November 15, 2018 in Barcelona Huawei provided the platform using artificial intelligence technology and Internet of Things for the "smart" cities. The company claims that the new solution which basis is Huawei +AI Digital Platform will find application in intelligent systems of public security, in environment protection, transport, the government, education and agriculture.

Huawei +AI Digital Platform acts as command center as the data arriving from sensors which are used in city infrastructure.

Like the operating system, this platform is compatible to different city sensors, creates the digital double (digital twin) and supports different city applications — the vice president of division of Huawei Enterprise Business Group Ma Yue reports.

Huawei submitted the AI platform for the "smart" cities

The digital platform for the "smart" cities integrates in itself AI - and IoT-functions, Big Data, a geographic information system, video content, cloud computing, convergent communications and security.

Huawei also developed a middleware (middleware) for providing services by means of which partners will be able quickly to develop applications of the top level for acceleration of digital transformation and innovations in the field of the municipal government, city services and development of the industry.

Huawei reported that by November, 2018 the solution for the "smart" cities proposed by the company is deployed in 40 countries and more than 160 cities among which — Duisburg and Rustenburg.

Development of technologies for the "smart" cities took place there passed three stages, and in 2018 the fourth when the cities improve the managerial opportunities through extraction of data with use of artificial intelligence came and provide integration of digital technologies and management tools, added to Huawei.[1]

Premiere of the solution

On October 10, 2018 the division of Huawei Enterprise Business Group submitted the platform AI + Digital Platform adapting to different scenarios. Experts of Huawei also showed how the strategy of the digital platform will allow the state and private companies to accelerate digital transformation and to reach higher level of innovations and growth.

"Digital transformation is the difficult process requiring systematic approach and convergence of different technologies for integration of the real and digital worlds. Huawei intends to provide the clients with the ICT platform which allows partners to integrate customized industry applications".

Yan Lida, president of division of Huawei Enterprise Business Group

The concept "The digital platform + X + the Ecosystem" ("Digital Platform + X + Ecosystem") assumes the digital platform as the base, the updated functionality (X), for example, artificial intelligence technology (AI), Internet of Things, Big Data, security, ICP and video.

"The digital Huawei platform gives three key advantages – it complex, open and supports the enterprises in the different industries. Using opportunities in the field of original processors, mathematical algorithms and developments of architecture, we develop the complete solutions including devices, levels IaaS and PaaS, and level SaaS together with partners in an ecosystem. Implementation of complex platforms allows clients to concentrate on upgrades of business and creation of own unique digital platforms and functionality. Huawei proposes horizontal solutions based on cross-industry standards, and the digital platform can be used in a broad spectrum of scenarios as it supports as private, and public cloud. Besides, Huawei creates an open ecosystem in which products and solutions of Huawei can interact with products and solutions of other suppliers that gives to clients big degree of freedom and a wide choice".

Lu Qi, president of the direction of marketing and sales of solutions of division of Huawei Enterprise Business Group

According to the statement of Huawei the updated functionality of the digital platform includes:

  • Multi-cloud: Huawei FusionStorage 8.0 is the solution reactions of I/O of 300 microseconds, completely distributed architecture without gateways and with a reliable configuration of "active-active" type over time. The private cloud of Huawei offers a large number of cloud services at the level of IaaS ("infrastructure as service") in the industry.
  • Network: the solution Huawei CloudFabric supports acceptance and sending 10 thousand containers at the level of a minute.
  • Devices: Huawei offers the intelligent module of the Atlas200 accelerator capable to make the analysis of HD video in real time and the advanced "smart" small cells.
  • The complex AI portfolio allowing to integrate specialized AI-applications into the digital platform that provides an optimal customer support in the course of digital transformation emphasized in Huawei.