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Баннер в шапке 2

Kiev bought tests on yododefitsit Roche Diagnostics at the prices overstated three times

Customers: Department of health care of the Kiev city public administration

Kiev; Government and social institutions

Project date: 2018/10  - 2018/12
Project's budget: 7 355 450 руб.

On October 17, 2018 there was information that the Department of health care of the Kiev City Public Administration (KCPA) held the tender for the choice of the supplier of test systems for patients yododefitsity and on his results bought from Real Diagnostik LLC of tests for 3.14 million UAH (about 7.4 million rubles). The Nashi Dengi edition with reference to data of an electronic system of state procurements of Ukraine reported about it to ProZorro.

Building of KGGA. Photo:

Until the end of 2018 the contractor of the government contract should deliver 76,500 test production systems of the German company Roche Diagnostics GmbH for carrying out screening inspections of the children and pregnant women for the purpose of early detection of the yododefitsit intended for the Cobas E-411 analyzer of the same producer. Including delivery is provided:

  • 38,250 test systems — for determination of the TTG tireotropny hormone at the price of 40.57 UAH (95.04 rubles) apiece;
  • 38,250 pieces — for determination of a free tiroksin of T4 at the price of 41.61 UAH apiece. (97.47 rubles) for unit.

"The real of Diagnostics" acts as the representative of Dialog Diagnostiks LLC company, the official subdistributor in Ukraine of the Polish Roche Diagnostics Polska Sp. z o.o. which, in turn, is an official distributor of the German producer Roche Diagnostics GmbH.

At the same time, the Okhmatdet company which orders at Diagnostiks Dialog the same immunotests at much lower price operates on the market of Ukraine: 13.40 UAH (31.39 rubles) and 14.72 UAH (34.48 rubles) respectively. Thus, in case of purchase of test systems at Okhmatdet the department of health care would spend only 1.08 million UAH (about 2.53 million rubles) that is almost three times less than the current amount of purchase.[1]
