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BTG is the British producer of the medical equipment and medicines. The company specializes in intervention medicine and development of special pharmaceutical medicines. The portfolio of intervention products includes solutions for the localized therapy of thromboses — embolisms of vessels of lungs, tumors of a liver and a varicosity.


2018: Boston Scientific purchased BTG for $4.2 billion

On November 20, 2018 the American producer of the medical equipment Boston Scientific announced acquisition of BTG for 3.3 billion pounds sterling ($4.2 billion at the rate of at the time of the announcement of the agreement). The buyer will pay the transaction by means of own means, without turning on in it own actions.

Under the terms of the reached agreement, Boston Scientific will pay on 840 British pence counting on one stock BTG that is 36.6% more than a quotation rate to closing of the exchange on the eve of the declaration of the transaction. The declaration of sale of BTG provoked 33 percent rise in cost of securities.

Boston Scientific purchased the producer of the surgical equipment of BTG for $4.2 billion

Boston Scientific says that the company, having caught a portfolio of the surgical solutions BTG, will expand its own opportunities in  cancer therapy and  a pulmonary embolism. BTG owns technology of implantation in  an organism of tiny devices at  the minimum surgical intervention. For example, its spiral is used by PneumRx in  treatment of pulmonary emphysema.

In addition business, the considerable share of revenue (about a third) of BTG is brought by the pharmaceutical direction within which, in particular, antidotes among which — the vaccine CroFab which is applied at  a rattlesnake sting are produced. By November 20, 2018 Boston Scientific did not decide how it will arrive with pharmaceutical division of BTG.

The analyst of Jefferies St. Petersburg considers Velford the reasonable cost of sale of BTG. The Boston Scientific company hopes that the transaction will increase its profit by 2-3 cents counting on an action at the end of 2019 and will provide further an increase.[1]
