Novels Vladislav Evgenyevich
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2008: Head of department of health care of Samara
In 2008-2010 headed department of health care of administration of Samara.
2012: Deputy Minister of Health of the Samara region
In 2012-2013 held a post of the Deputy Minister of Health of the Samara region.
2013: The associate director of TFCMI across the Samara region
In 2013 it was appointed to a post of the associate director of TFCMI across the Samara region.
Director of TFCMI of the Samara region
On November 7, 2018 Vladislav Romanov released Victor Mokshin from the director's duty Samara compulsory health insurance territorial fund.
For November 13, 2018 is in the status of the acting as the director of TFCMI of the Samara region.[1]
Interrogation in the Samara district court in the matter of the director of SMT
On November 21, 2018 Vladislav Romanov, the acting director of TFCMI of the Samara region, was interrogated in the Samara district court within consideration of criminal case of the director of SMT LLC Sergey Shatilo. A few years ago, being the deputy of Victor Mokshin who at that time was the director of regional TFCMI, Romanov was engaged on his order in preparation of the letter to the regional Ministry of Health. On the data which are available for the investigation, in the document the fund recommended to consider the possibility of use of analog spare parts at repair of the expensive iatrotechnics.
According to Romanov, the letter appeared because in the tender documentation the price was higher than average, developed for that period according to the results of the analysis of the signed contracts. The staff of fund defined that when using analog tubes for tomographs — the most expensive parts — discrepancy at the price was from 10 to 25%. However the tender documentation did not assume supply capacity of analog parts, and in TFOMSE decided to suggest the regional Ministry of Health to save budgetary funds.
However the federal legislation which changed in 2015 set other order of the address of medical products:
The producer (manufacturer) of a medical product develops technical and (or) operational documentation according to which are performed production, production, storage, transportation, installation, adjustment, application, operation, including maintenance and also repair, utilization or destruction of a medical product. Federal Law 323 "About bases of protection of public health of the Russian Federation", Article 38, point 3. |
Thus, installation of the parts which are not provided by the producer ("analog") according to the recommendation of TFCMI of the Samara region would become direct violation of the federal legislation. Besides, as reported in GE Healthcare, use of exclusively original spare parts of production of GE is provided in products of the company.
Representatives of protection took an interest at Romanov, how exactly in fund came preparing similar recommendations on what received the answer "big analytical work was carried out". On a question the ex-Deputy Minister of Health Albert Navasardyan whether employees brought to it information on change of the federal legislation, the acting director of TFCMI said that "it was work of the whole department" and he considered that "all regulatory base is studied".
Vladislav Romanov also said that according to his information, at that time the customer could make technical specifications with use of both original, and analog spare parts. However, on the question Navasardyana of a source of this information, Romanov referred to "big analytical work" again.
On Albert Navasardyan's question of whether the sharp jump of currency rate in January, 2015 was considered in this to "big analytical work", Vladislav Romanov answered "I do not remember". Besides, the acting director of TFCMI was recognized that he does not know whether it is possible to find traces of that of "big analytical work" now.
The lawyer Sergey Zamoshkin representing the interests of the employee of GE Healthcare Natalya Seredavina asked Vladislav Romanov about the personal relations with Alexey Rogachyov — the director of TsEH-Zdorovye LLC and the actual head of Medtekhlink LLC, Medtekhlink-service LLC and other companies which the principal witness of charge manages together with the wife, Irina Glotova. At first Romanov said that he has with Rogachyov purely office relations. But after additional questions of the lawyer it was forced to tell that Alexey Rogachyov was on his 50 anniversary "as a part of delegation of chief physicians". However the fact was opened after that that anniversary was in 2015, and Rogachyov stopped being the chief physician of Road clinical hospital in 2012. Explain to court as what chief physician of hospital Rogachyov was present at his anniversary, the acting director of TFCMI could not.
Moreover, the ex-director of TFCMI Victor Mokshin interrogated in court a few weeks ago told about trips to rest to Georgia in which together with it both Alexey Rogachyov, and Vladislav Romanov participated. And as the organizer of trips Mokshin called Romanov.