Developers: | National union of NPO (National union of non-profit organizations) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2018/12/05 |
Branches: | Internet services |
The portal of social services is a uniform point of entry of citizens to receiving the social services rendered to the population by suppliers of social services.
2018: Start of the Portal of social services
On December 5, 2018 the National union of non-profit organizations announced start of the Portal of social services.
Using the portal citizens will be able to order specific social services from non-profit organizations, and authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation – to perform monitoring of quality of rendering social services and to perform budgetary appropriations to suppliers of such services.
The portal was created according to the solution of the Congress of non-profit organizations of Russia at the initiative of more than 1000 non-profit organizations. The concept of the Portal was repeatedly discussed at meetings of the profile commissions and State Duma Committees of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and also in professional communities and focus groups of representatives of non-profit organizations. In December, 2018 the Portal is started in the test mode.
It is planned that in 2019 the Portal of social services will take steady positions in the market of rendering services and sales of goods for social categories of citizens.
Target indicators for the end of 2019:
- The number of users of the Portal - more than 1 million.
- The number of suppliers - more than 1 thousand.
- Goods quantity and services - more than 10 thousand.
- The total total turnover - more than 1 billion rubles.
Promotion of services of the organization registered on the portal in regions of the Russian Federation by the centralized method will allow to increase the number of clients receivers of the offered service significantly.
The centralized advertizing campaign of the Portal of social services in general and also separate social services, in all subjects of the Russian Federation is planned.
On the Portal the separate page for each service with the CEO-optimization is created. Within the first stage of upgrade creation of the special function allowing to publish the page with service on information resources of registered company is planned.
The services placed on the Portal undergo the procedure of check. For December, 2018 work on creation of special quality certificates of rendering social service is conducted. Certification will be made at the request of the supplier.
If the service is placed on the Portal of social services - it means for citizens that service qualitative and checked, was emphasized in the National union of NPO.