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On March 24, 1972 Zheleznogorsk of Kursk region
- 2013–2014 FSBEI of a Higher Professional Education "Russian academy of national economy and
- public service under the President of the Russian Federation"
- the diploma about occupational retraining No. 772401612856;
- "Public and Municipal Administration" program
- Rates:
- 1. "A contract system in the field of purchases of goods, works and services for ensuring the state and municipal needs"
- Non-state educational institution of additional professional education "Institute for Information Technology of IT (2016).
- 2. "Management of the public and municipal procurements".
- Institute of additional education of the Volga region academy of public service of P.A. Stolypin, professional development course (2013).
- 3. "Management of the state and municipal orders".
- Institute of additional education of the Volga region academy of public service of P.A. Stolypin, professional development course (2011).
- 4. "Administrative reform and problems of municipal management"
- Institute of additional education of the Volga region academy of public service of P.A. Stolypin, professional development course (2010).
- 5. "Municipal management. Municipal finance" (2007).
- 6. "The budgeting focused on result in the system of municipal management".
- Institute natural and humanities of VPO Siberian Federal University FSEI, professional development course (2007).
- 7. "Federal law No. 94-FZ is an order of application, feature of transitional provisions, rules and procedures of placement of the state and municipal orders".
- Volga region academy of public service, professional development course (2006).
- 2001–2002 Scientific information center of problems
- security (St. Petersburg)
- the diploma about occupational retraining is the software No. 065017 series;
- program: "Organization and technology of data protection";
- specialization: "Security of automated systems"
- Rates:
- 1. "Ensuring complex security of an object, data protection, counteraction to economic espionage"
- certificate No. 1006 of Scientific information center of security concerns (St. Petersburg) 2002.
- 2. "Security administrator of network"
- certificate No. 922 of Scientific information center of security concerns (St. Petersburg) 2002.
- 3. "Technical means of counteraction to economic espionage"
- certificate No. 876 of Scientific information center of security concerns (St. Petersburg) 2001.
- 4. "Use of firewalls and the system of detection of the attacks for protection of corporate networks"
- certificate No. 090129 of Training Informzashita center (Moscow) 2001.
- 5. "Use of special technical means of protection for information security support in automated systems"
- certificate No. 020130 of Training Informzashita center (Moscow) 2001.
- 1995–1997 St. Petersburg State academy
- space instrument making
- Diploma BVS No. 0055208 series
- Direction: "Information systems in economy"
- Specialization: "Security of banking systems"
- Qualification: engineer-economist
- 1992–1995 Nizhnevartovsk teacher training college
- Diploma ShV No. 714125 series
- Specialization: "Pedagogics and technique of elementary education"
- Qualification: elementary school teacher
- 1987–1991 Surgut normal school (with honors)
- Diploma ET No. 793794 series
- Specialization: "Teaching in initial classes of comprehensive school"
- Qualification: elementary school teacher.
Work experience
- 2014 crust. BP MKU "Management of Information Technologies and Communications of Surgut"
- Associate director
- 2013–2014 Management of communication and informatization of Administration of Surgut
- Head of department of operation of municipal information
- systems
- 2008–2009 Management of communication and informatization of Administration of Surgut
- Chief of coordination analysis department of operation
- technical means
- 2004–2008 Management on informatization and network resources
- Administrations of Surgut
- Head of department of technical means
- 2002–2004 Committee on informatization and network resources
- Administrations of Surgut
- Head of department of data protection and technical
- means
- 2001-2002 Department of informatization, communication and transport
- Administrations of Surgut
- Chief specialist (acting head of department of protection
- information and technical means)
- 1998–2001 Committee on information resources of Administration
- Surgut
- Chief specialist
Job responsibilities
- 1. Carrying out uniform policy, development of strategic plans, municipal programs in the field of information and communication technologies.
- 2. Preparation of drafts of municipal legal acts, regulations and organizational and administrative documents in the supervised directions (project development of resolutions and orders of City administration, technical specifications, engineering designs, technical regulations, instructions, provisions, rules and other operational documentation).
- 3. Preparation of analytical information and expert opinions in the supervised directions for heads of different level.
- 4. Preparation of documentation for the organization of municipal purchases for the supervised directions (development of standard municipal contracts and agreements, technical specifications, specifications in the supervised directions), conducting examination of proposals of participants of purchases.
- 5. Preparation of job descriptions of the subordinated employees, regulations on the supervised departments and other organizational and administrative documentation.
- 6. Coordination of works on acquisition of technical means, spare parts and supplies, to service, write-off and utilization of technical means, acquisition of the software, development, acquisition and maintenance of information systems.
- 7. Holding seminars, meetings on the supervised directions.
- 8. Participation in the different commissions, acceptance tests.
- 9. Formation of perspective annual plans on activities of department and control of their execution by specialists of department.
- 2013 – the winner (the 3rd place) of the annual district tender "The Best Municipal Employee", the nomination – "Organizations of Municipal Economy and Life Support Systems";
- 2013 - the winner (the 3rd place) of the annual city tender "Initiative";
- 2013 – it is included in a talent pool to a position of municipal service "deputy head of department of communication and informatization of City administration";
- 2012 – the associate director of Department – the head of department of development of information society of Department of information technologies of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug" is included in a talent pool to a position of public service ";
- 2011 - it is included in a talent pool to a position of public service "consultant for interaction of local government authorities and autonomous area of Department of domestic policy of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug";
- 2011 – it is included in a talent pool to a position of municipal service "head of department of the municipal order of department on economic policy of City administration";
- 2010 – the winner (the 3rd place) of the annual district tender "The Best Municipal Employee", the nomination – Information Development.
It is awarded:
- letter of acknowledgement of the Duma of the city of Surgut (2014);
- sign "Municipal coat of arms" (2011);
- letter of acknowledgement of the deputy head of administration of the city of Surgut (2010);
- certificate of honor of the Mayor of Surgut (2010).
Additional data
- it is capable to adapt in a new situation and to apply new approaches in the solution of the arising questions;
- it is operational in decision making;
- good organizer;
- constantly I raise the professional grade, I self-study, I study the latest developments in the IT market, by means of resources the Internet and periodicals;
- the creative person (I prepare scripts for holidays, I organize corporate actions);
- headed the trade-union organization (more than 10 years);
- I participate in social job
- was a member of all-school parent committee of children's choreographic school No. 1, participated, together with administration of school, in the solution of administrative and organizational issues of activity of organization, it was repeatedly mentioned by letters of acknowledgement of children's choreographic school No. 1;
- I am a member of all-school parent committee of natural-science lyceum (before lyceum No. 3, lyceum No. 2), it was mentioned by letters of acknowledgement of lyceum No. 2 of the city of Surgut;
- since 2012 I am the vice-chairman of territorial and public self-government Union.
- In 2013 it was thanked officially by the deputy of the Duma of the city of Surgut Ryabov S.V.
- Konstantinova Milena 1999
- Konstantinov Matvei 2003