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2018/12/17 17:37:39

How to use artificial intelligence in contact centers? TADetails

Modern technologies became an integral part of communications of business with clients. Now it not just communication and help, but also possibility of ensuring additional sales. How to automate and optimize work of contact center and whether it is worth using chat-bots, the commercial director of CommuniGate Systems Vladimir Burgov helped to understand


As AI in work with clients is applied

Modern technologies seriously changed communication of business with clients. It became more operational and less formal, and communications — are more various. Not only usual calls and correspondence, but also even video conference are available. All this is to please to a competitive success, acceleration of business processes and quality improvement of customer service. Respectively, the high technological effectiveness of contact center affects efficiency of reaction, completeness of information on the partner and also gives the chance on the basis of the saved-up data on the client to do different analytical calculations.

"The contact center which works for development of the company and promotes increase in its profitability is the solution which as fast as possible processes a request of the partner, satisfying his primary needs for obtaining information. Moreover, on the basis of its previous addresses — can propose proactively these or those solutions and products which can interest the specific client. It is, actually, zero line of sales" — the commercial director of CommuniGate Systems Vladimir Burgov tells.

Processing of voice messages, accounting of results of the previous communications, technologies of scenarios of a call are important for modern contact centers automation of routine processes (readdressing of the client to the necessary operators and in the necessary departments on clicking of the button on phone). One more important component — artificial intelligence, the systems of speech recognition and identification of the personality using the analysis of voice parameters of the client.

Chat-bots or living operators

According to given a number of polls, it is psychologically more comfortable to clients to communicate with the living person, than with the robot. But trends are relentless: the share of chat-bots steadily raises. Tests show high susceptibility to them — even representatives of the senior generation treat communication with artificial intelligence in contact centers more and more favourably now.

There are in such approach purely image and financial advantages. First, clients should not "hang" long on the line, expecting until the living operator contacts them. Secondly, cost optimization on personnel and service processes after robotization of contact center can reach, by different estimates, 40-50%.

"Buyers want to receive products or services as soon as possible. At the same time, they, of course, calculate on quality and the lowest cost from those that are presented at the market. Therefore efficiency of the answer and readiness to interest the client or the partner — one of advantages which can give use of modern technologies" — Vladimir Burgov considers.

How to select the solution for automation of contact center

Experts say that it is important to pay attention to several parts. One of them — functionality of the solution for process automation and the principles of distribution of incoming calls. These technologies even before communication with the operator help to segment clients. Several parameters define quality of the contact center — from recording and record of calls to ability to integrate with CRM systems and own solutions on recognition of a voice and conversion of a voice to the text for the operational analysis of requests of clients.

"Also important role is played by ease of use and settings: the solution in use is simpler, the it will be simpler then to specialists who will be engaged in its customization — Vladimir Burgov specifies. — And one more aspect — possibilities of expanded collecting of statistics. To increase efficiency of contact center, it is necessary to adjust, based on statistical data, its functioning. For example, to distribute loading among operators".

How to automate communication with clients

Work experience in implementation of the similar systems plays a role in the choice of integrator, and it is even better — specific solutions. Existence of own production resources is important. For example, engineers who are capable to create a uniform complex of the integrated systems — contact center ERP CRM.

"If to speak already about implementation process then stages same, as well as at implementation of any systems: a research of the current situation and needs of the customer, writing of technical specifications, selection of the solution or a complex of the solution which will close needs of the customer and also finding of a compromise between them. After that the possibility of migration is studied if is from where to migrate, or at once installation, setup, piloting and an exit in operation" — details Vladimir Burgov.

As for an implementation time then there is no uniform template and cannot be. Transition to use of the automated contact center takes from a week to several months, and this term of subjects is more, than the need for additional settings or scripts is higher. The role is played also with as far as needs of the customer correspond those to mechanisms which already are in the boxed solution.

The same can be told about payback periods: they at all different because financial job evaluation of contact center, as well as all customer relations department, is started not only on contact center. Also it pays off as a business unit, and to consider separately software rather difficult. Therefore the speech can go about several months, and can — about several years.

"If to tell about the cost of the solution, then in the market rather serious dispersion. So to say: our contact center on the price characteristics costs less, than on average in the market, having at the same time broader functionality. Our customers ease of use and integration satisfies, functionality, a possibility of first technical support and price parameters — Vladimir Burgov adds. — If to speak in general, then cloud solutions which for kopeks provide rather small functionality are presented at the market, for example. And there are expensive solutions from foreign producers which have a workplace price — several tens, and even hundreds of thousands of rubles".

Example of a successful case

"The solutions CommuniGate Systems are implemented both in Russia, and in many other countries of the world. The choice in our advantage is made even in such technology advanced markets as, for example, Japanese or American" — Vladimir Burgov tells.

In Japan the solution CommuniGate Pro in functionality of provision of services of telephony and contact center very popularly is also used in automotive industry, HoReCa sector, in the financial and telecom companies.

In Russia until recently the contact center from CommuniGate Systems was used only as a part of the full-function solution. Now the situation changes, decision making speed about purchase demands from the companies of automation of sales process and fastest reaction to the arriving requests from clients. Also there is a big layer of clients from the state departments (both federal, and regional) receiving a big flow of addresses from citizens. In the second half of 2018 of CommuniGate Systems carried out a number of implementations of contact centers in the similar organizations.

"One more example — the Medkvadrat company is a medical clinic which uses contact center based on CommuniGate Pro to organize making an appointment and processing of customer appeals" — Vladimir Burgov concludes.

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