Customers: NPAF (Novosibirsk Plant of Artificial Fibre)
Contractors: InfoSoft Novosibirsk Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2013/06 - 2015/04
Number of licenses: 100
During the period from June, 2013 to April, 2014 during implementation at the NZIV plant of a 1C system: The enterprise 8.2 specialists of Intensive Center "Infosoft" performed the following works:
- Completion of the software product under specifics of the company
- Installation of programs
- Initial setup of programs
- Transfer of reference books and remaining balance from the old program
- Training and consultation of users
- Start of systems in operation
During implementation of the software product subsystems were implemented:
- Personnel records
- Payroll
During trial operation all economic transactions were entered into the program, the interrelation of departments is adjusted during the work in uniform information base.
As a result the Customer received a modern and reliable system which allowed to increase efficiency in each workplace due to automation of all operations on payroll and reporting of personnel department.
The implemented system allowed to upgrade an accounting system, to keep account in uniform information base, to increase transparency of payroll, to automatically create reports.
During the period from September, 2014 to April, 2015 in JSC Novosibirsk Plant of Artificial Fibre together with Intensive Center "Infosoft" the project on implementation of accounting based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management software product was performed (release Specialists of Intensive Center "Infosoft" performed the following works on system implementation:
- Requirements gathering and design of accounting treatment for economic transactions and reporting
- Completion of functionality of the program according to features of accounting at the enterprise, in particular:
- Accounting of excises (production and implementation of beer)
- Accounting of retail using 42 accounts
- Accounting of transport and procurement expenses on the 10th account
- Accounting of wear of the special equipment, proceeding from its development
- Loading of reports of workshops on release from tables of Excel
- Organization of accounting of cost value of services in planned cost
- Formation of printed forms and operational reports
- User training to work in the program, writing of instructions
- Loading of a remaining balance and reference books from the old systems
- Operational consultation of users during trial operation
As a result of all works the following functional units of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product were put into operation:
- Fixed asset accounting;
- Accounting of overalls and special equipment;
- Inventory management;
- Sales management
- Purchase management;
- Cash management;
- Cost management;
- Accounting.
As a result at the enterprise the common information space providing the management of up-to-date, reliable information is created, accounting is kept in a modern system that allows to hand over the reporting according to the current legislation, the labor input of accounting decreased, the detail level and transparency of credentials raised.
The works performed by employees Infosoft:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers
- Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
- Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
- Technical implementation of specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (adaptation)
- Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting
- Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances
- Data transfer from the previous automation systems
- Training in group at office of the customer
Work on the Adaptation of the Standard Solution
During the course of performance the project the following completions are executed:
- On the project of personnel records and payroll:
- The staff list is finished, printed forms of personnel orders, a card file and reports on military accounting, reports are developed for OTIZ, formation of statichticheksy P-2 form is implemented.
- The mechanism of calculation of a remaining balance of a holiday for additional vacation is finished
- New documents for registration of an exit of employees in day off or holiday and for registration of overtime of employees and also payment charge during this time for the employees working at a rate are created. Thanks to these documents there is an opportunity to create the sheet of a time recording in a system in full the staff of personnel department.
- Changes are made to the document "Employee Transfer of the Organization" and also to settlement documents for accounting of temporary transfers of employees.
- Printing of forms of postal orders for transfer of the withheld alimony from employees is implemented.
- Unloading of the file for salary transfer in bank is implemented.
- The mechanism of a binding of a method of reflection of salary in regl is implemented. accounting to division and a position for an automatic binding of a method of reflection to the employee on his work location and also an opportunity to specify a reflection method in regl is performed. accounting in some documents on payroll for more exact reflection of the salary of employees in accounting.
- Additional forms for input in the system of price-work and time dresses are implemented that allows to reduce input time in the system of these documents. The mechanism of payroll distribution between employees in a price-work/time dress according to the calculation accepted at the enterprise is changed.
- Access rights are developed for each position of the employees working in a system. It allows to limit an information access prohibited for viewing to these or those employees and also to prevent distortion of information of each other of related departments.
- On the project of accounting were finished:
- Automatic calculation of excises at implementation of alcoholic beer
- Automatic formation of postings on the 42nd account at retail trade in shop and the dining room
- Automatic distribution of transport and procurement expenses on sub-account 10 of the account according to analytics of consumption of materials, on sub-accounts
- Accounting of wear of the special equipment, proceeding from its development is implemented
- Loading of reports of workshops on release from tables of Excel is implemented that allowed to keep ponomenklaturny account on the 43rd account
- Organization of accounting of cost value of services in planned cost
- Additional printed forms and reports are implemented.
Total number of the automated jobs: 100.
Number of reference books 90, document types 48, registers 127, reports 27; the number of the entered documents in day 50; a median number of lines in one document 15; the volume of information base (MB) at the time of the description of 1.35 GB.