"The first Bit" helped ChMZAP to conform to requirements of the Law "About the State Defence Order"
Customers: Uralavtopritsep, ChMZAP - Chelyabinsk machine-building plant of automobile trailers Chelyabinsk; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C:Enterprise 8.3На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2017/06 - 2018/11
Number of licenses: 200
On December 27, 2018 The First Beat company reported that specialists of the company finished the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management system (1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management) which is used at "Chelyabinsk Machine-building Plant of Automobile Trailers" (CMBPAT). Thanks to it activity of the enterprise conforms to requirements 275-FZ "About the state defense order".
Because of implementation of state defense orders the enterprise needed to finish the existing information system 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management correctly to keep separate account. It agrees 275-FZ, the company which executes the state defense order is obliged to carry out such accounting activity for delivery of necessary documentation to the Russian Defense Ministry. That to create it, the cost values of each customer order given about structure were required for the staff of ChMZAP. Besides, for reporting in the Russian Defense Ministry the plant needed to keep correctly material accounting on production and to enter data on finished product outputs and semi-finished products in 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management.
"The task to configure the mechanism of conducting separate accounting in an information system, to create functionality which would allow to save us from permanent discrepancies in number of materials in the program and on production was set for integrator". Sergey Merkulov, deputy finance director of ChMZAP |
"The success of the project in ChMZAP is caused by the fact that we worked with the client in one command. The staff of the plant provided organizational support, carried out the tasks qualitatively and quickly, met halfway and was most involved in work. Thanks to such cooperation the plant managed smoothly, without stopping productions, to adjust the system of maintaining the correct reporting before regulatory authorities, to provide support of execution of payments according to requirements of the Federal law and also to obtain data from program 1C, analyzing which it is possible to make the correct management decisions. The project was implemented in 18 months. Following the results 200 jobs at the enterprise were automated". Anton Zamerchuk, manager of projects of The First Beat company |
Further the plant plans transition to the modern solution "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" where support 275-FZ is implemented by regular means.