The name of the base system (platform): | 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 |
Developers: | Ekspert-Consulting |
Branches: | Financial services, investments and audit |
Technology: | Accounting systems |
"Expert: Salary and Personnel management in NFO. The addition to 1C: Payroll and HR Management" — the universal solution for full conducting personnel records, payroll, formation of postings in non-credit financial institutions taking into account requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (The Industry standard of accounting of employee benefits by non-credit financial institutions N 489-P, the Industry standard of accounting of reserves - estimated liabilities and contingent obligations by non-credit financial institutions N 508-P, the Industry standard of accounting of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets by non-credit financial institutions No. 490).
2019: Features
For January, 2019 solution "Expert: Salary and Personnel management in NFO. The addition to 1C: Payroll and HR Management" saves functionality of the standard configuration "1C: Payroll and HR Management" of edition 3, supplementing it with specifics of accounting in NFO:
- accounting of obligations for holidays and insurance premiums, charge of holidays and insurance premiums for the account of obligations and in advance;
- accounting of obligations for awards and insurance premiums, charge of awards and insurance premiums for the account of obligations;
- accounting of obligations for long-term charges, formation of payments due to long-term charges;
- formation of postings on accounts of EPS on BU and NU;
- report generation on charges and postings on UPA (unified plan of accounts);
- unloading of postings in an accounting system.
Functional purpose of the solution:
- payroll, registration of change of personnel and design data of employees, accounting of employee transfers of employees of the non-credit financial institutions (NCFI) and receiving broad spectrum of settlement and personnel reports;
- implementation of standard methodology of accounting in non-credit financial institutions according to Provisions of the Bank of Russia:
- "Industry standard of accounting of employee benefits by non-credit financial institutions" (utv. Bank of Russia 9/4/2015 N 489-P);
- "Industry standard of accounting of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets by non-credit financial institutions" (utv. Bank of Russia 9/4/2015 N 490-P);
- "the Industry standard of accounting of reserves – estimated liabilities and contingent obligations by non-credit financial institutions" (utv. Bank of Russia 12/3/2015 N 508-P).