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Employees of Tele2 can study from the smartphone

Customers: Tele2 (before Tele2 Russia AB, Tele2)

Product: Skill Cup

Project date: 2018/08  - 2018/12

2018: Implementation of the platform of mobile training of Skill CUP

On January 17, 2019 mobile operator Tele2 announced implementation of the platform Skill Cupsystems of distance learning on a basis smartphone. Mobile application it is created by the principle social network and allows to gain knowledge in a fascinating interactive form.

Mobile application of Skill CUP

On a withdrawal of Tele2, mobile application of Skill CUP does training easy and fast. In a system functional budgeting, artificial intelligence, MVNO and many other subjects rates are available. Users can also pass trainings of personal and professional growth: leadership bases, project management, productive negotiations and so forth Besides, on the platform are placed public modules on history and corporate culture of Tele2, emphasized in the operator.

As noted in Tele2, training in Skill Cup assumes a review in a format of thematic trainings. On one of them the employee will need no more than 15 minutes. The user of the application can also challenge colleagues to "duel" to compete in knowledge of history of the company or values of Tele2.

The application allows Tele2 not to address for development of functional rates third-party contractors. Any division can independently and quickly create the modules. It is as simple to prepare each microblock of the training content as the post on social network, was explained in Tele2.

Content in the application is available to both all employees, and certain user groups. Divisions can appoint selectively rates only to those specialists who need it and to do training directed. The application is developed for platforms iOS and Android.

According to the statement of the operator, the implementing solution Skill CUP became the next stage of development of the training programs in Tele2. At the end of 2017 the company started the Coursera online platform. As a result employees of Tele2 got access to up-to-date information from the world universities.

"We aim to become the training organization where the employee of any level can study in daily work and grow in the company. New knowledge allows it to become better and more effective. Start of Skill CUP became the next stage in development of corporate educational projects. In total in a week the application was downloaded by more than 2500 employees of Tele2. It means that colleagues estimated an opportunity to gain new knowledge at any time and in any place — in a stopper, behind a cup of coffee or at the subway. The innovative solution was the fact that divisions can create the agenda of training and select employees for passing of this or that rate".