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Best IT Practices To Be Discussed at TAdviser SummIT, May 29

25.01.19, 11:27, Msk

On May 29, 2019 TAdviser SummIT which primary subject will be best IT experts in Russia will take place.

To learn more about TAdviser SummIT and to be registered for participation it is possible on the action website

Principal themes:

  • The best practices: as technologies increase efficiency of the largest companies of Russia
  • IT in a public sector: new reality of the disruptive ideas and opportunities
  • Infrastructure, business applications, services: real experience of customers
  • Security as a basic condition of survival in digital economy

Among participants at the event representatives of the large state organizations, commercial customer companies and suppliers of IT solutions are expected.

The conference will consist of a plenary part and five industry sessions: "IT in a public sector", "IT in banks", IT Outsourcing, "BPM Day", "[[Internet of Things of Internet of Things (IoT)|[[Internet of Things of Internet of Things (IoT)|Internet of Things (IoT)]]]]". In a plenary part of TAdviser SummIT Chief information officers of the largest companies and state departments of Russia will act. The leading IT companies will tell about the advanced developments which will enter the market next year.

Within the summit there will also take place the awards ceremony of TADVISER IT PRIZE — a national award in the field of information technologies in the corporate sector

It is possible to be registered on TAdviser SummIT according to the link.

Industry sessions:

"IT in a public sector"

Costs for state informatization grow from year to year. Together with it also tasks which are set for the relevant ministries and departments become complicated. How in new conditions do their priorities change? What IT projects in a public sector it is possible to call key? What perspectives and the first results of digital transformation at the regional and federal levels? These and other issues will be discussed during the section "IT in a Public Sector".

"IT in banks"

The bank industry in Russia practically reached the universal level of informatization. New technologies provide to banks of advantage in fight for the client. They continue to experiment with Big Data and artificial intelligence, trying "grope" where such innovations will be most effective. How does digital transformation of banking sector happen? On what directions do the main IT costs of banks fall? What innovations find applications in the field of bank informatization? These and many other issues will be discussed on the section "IT in Banks".

IT Outsourcing

The Russian market of IT outsourcing steadily increases the last several years. Requests of clients for cost reduction are replaced by requirements to quality improvement of the provided services. With growth of level of a maturity of all market participants, clients began to trust external suppliers more. What tasks are most often transferred to outsourcing today? What competences should modern IT outsourcers have? What perspectives at the market of IT outsourcing in Russia? These and many other issues will be discussed on the section "IT outsourcing".

«BPM Day»

The Russian market considerably became more active in the direction of BPM (Business Process Management). Due to the trends on digitalization and transformation of business, customers even more often think of issues of increase in transparency and controllability of business processes and also of convenient and technological IT tools which are capable to help with management really. During the section BPM experts of the industry will tell about features of development of the domestic market of solutions of a similar class, customers will share experience of implementation and use of BPM systems, and suppliers will sound key advantages of the developments.

"Internet of Things (IoT)"

Some of the key factors which gave an impetus to market development of Internet of Things in Russia can call the interest of the state. The "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" program configured the industry and public sector on digitalization. Along with policy among factors of growth of the Russian market of Internet of Things experts call rather developed communication infrastructure of mobile operators which is a basis for IoT-projects. Besides, the quantity a startup projects grows, the corresponding examination at large IT integrators is increased. What Russian projects in the field of Internet of Things it is possible to call sign? What economic effects can achieve from use of IoT technologies in the different industries? These and many other issues will be discussed on section Internet of Things.

Previous TAdviser SummIT

The previous TAdviser SummIT took place in Moscow on November 29, 2018 and attracted more than 700 participants - heads and experts of IT departments of the largest companies and the state departments of Russia, representatives of IT developer and contractors. During the action the prospects of digital transformation of business and state agencies, development of technologies, products and services were discussed. In a plenary part and five thematic sections more than 70 reports were heard. The action took place in 5 Digital October halls. From a conference it is possible to study the report, a photo and video here.

Photo gallery

О TAdviser: is the unique knowledge base and edition No. 1 in Russia on a subject of corporate informatization. We do not aim at mass character for the sake of scale. TAdviser SummIT is the place for the elected audience with smart services for communication of suppliers and customers of IT

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