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2019/03/28 08:58:18

It is more profitable to what companies to rent servers in data centers? TADetails

The dispute that it is better – the iron or rented – is old as the world. There is no definite answer on this question: each company has requirements and the opportunities. But criteria for this purpose what solution is closer in each separate case, after all exist. In when it is worth resorting to lease of servers what benefits it brings and how to select DPC for placement, Dmitry Sharov, the CEO of Filanco Group (network of data centers helped to understand.


Lease of the server or purchase of own?

The modern companies have three options of receiving technology resources: lease of cloud solutions, lease of servers and own ownership of them. The cloud scenario as it was led, in a priority at the enterprises which need periodically to increase peak loads.

It is possible to carry a possibility of uncontrollable access for the third parties to information placed in a cloud to obvious minuses of such approach — the CEO of Filanco Group (network of data centers Dmitry Sharov considers. — There is also essential failure probability of the software at introduction of any changes. At least two important cases in which the large medical company lost the data because of failures in the software of cloud provider are known to me.

The security issue is less relevant for two other scenarios: in them there is no possibility of direct access of the third parties to data of the company. Disputes on what of options is more reliable are conducted in the IT environment for a long time. Specialists, on the whole, agree that the option with own ownership of servers will suit the enterprises which have the impressive IT budget and internal skilled staff which are thinly understanding hardware solutions. Lease of the equipment differs in the fact that in case of refusal any physical devices, repair or replacement will be made in precisely stipulated terms. This scenario is also convenient to the companies which have no sudden need for additional power.

In case of lease of servers of costs for placement of the equipment are hidden in the total cost and if the company buys own iron, then the only expense types are a payment of the electric power and accounts for the Internet — Dmitry Sharov specifies. — From my point of view, lease of the equipment — a great way of fixation of risks when your project any more not the startup, but does not require computing powers the size in several racks yet.

Other criterion of demand of option with lease — if funds for OPEX costs are provided in the IT budget, but there is nothing under CAPEX. At the same time, as analysts note, the companies with specific requirements, for example, to volumes of disk space go this way.

Technical and business benefits from lease of servers and racks

Key technology advantage of work on the leased equipment can be considered the high level of control of all events. At sufficient competence from technicians, of course. There are also financial advantages which are expressed in a possibility of control and expense optimization. They form, of course, in many respects thanks to lack of purchase costs of own iron — lease always more available.

The separate possibility of cost optimization is in lease more, than one rack — Dmitry Sharov prompts. — If the DPC has a possibility of exact calculation, then it is possible to integrate calculation of the consumed electricity from several racks. For example, the DPC of has own technology developments in the field of accounting of electricity consumption of racks and gives the clients exact information with a possibility of data analysis depending on time of day.

Administration and upgrades of leased servers

Experts note that in the classical scenario the question of administration of the software of leased servers is assigned to the company which uses their capacities — to the client. For this purpose the tenant needs to be sure that the technical personnel of the partner company have sufficient knowledge in the field of a software setup and is ready to give all possible support for the solution of complex or non-standard cases.

Upgrade or upgrade of leased servers it is simple and debugged — Dmitry Sharov explains on the example of Filanco Group. — As between the client and DPC of there are already commercial relations, if within the agreement the client requests making changes in any parameters, for example, increase in RAM or replacement of the normal hard drive by a SSD disk, the DPC of does it, being guided by earlier agreed on price conditions.

How to select data center for placement or lease of the server

The most part of the data centers presented at the market guarantees rather high-quality service in placement of servers at the comparable prices. It is clear: the companies which have the negative history of implementations are not delayed in the market or go to conversion.

First of all it is important to company tenant to understand what requires the equipment. The indicator of coherence of the server with the outside world becomes an important indicator: of course, iron is necessary for start on it certain web resources that, in turn, gives to final subscribers (users of service) the best coherence from office or the house.

File:Aquote1.png is a part of Filanco Group which part both the trunk telecom operator, and the operator of the last mile in Moscow and St. Petersburg are — Dmitry Sharov says. — Therefore all clients of DPC of at placement of the equipment receive the best service in terms of "one window" in placement of the equipment and its connection with the Internet.

The companies which have a need for the specific hardware, but do not have an opportunity to purchase the servers, it is necessary to agree with service providers of lease also. As a rule, the standard configurations which are in invariable demand are configured for several days or even hours. Non-standard resources for lease can demand additional study, both at the technology level, and on legal: the efficiency of signing of the contract or making advance payment will always be to the taste to the lessor.

As rent servers the Russian companies

Depending on type of business, the enterprise see different technology benefits from lease of servers. For example, in the game service "Online Tanks" which rented servers with the Intel Xeon processors E5-26xx rather powerful at that time long was placed. In total leased servers occupied about six racks in DPC. For such platforms lease is considered the most optimal variant of placement as brings a possibility of fast upgrade of the server without capital costs and long payback periods that, in turn, allows to roll out quickly updates for games.

There are situations when lease in reliable data center is a method of protection against diversion from competitors. One pharmaceutical company came to us after their server was put intentionally out of action — Dmitry Sharov gives an example. — It was at them in office, and it was obviously not randomness.

Often the efficiency of connection is important for tenants in Russia. In there were situations when after an evening call of the client the agreement was signed in the morning and providing service began. Efficiency it becomes frequent an important selection term for the Russian enterprises.