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The IRIS automated business processes using OTRS

Customers: IRIS (The Information Retail Integrated Systems)

Moscow; Information technologies

Product: OpenSource Ticket Request System (OTRS)

Project date: 2018/09  - 2019/02

IRIS company reported on February 8, 2019 that for automation of routine processes of different divisions of the organization, their ordering, optimization and timely control in the company the system of the class ITSM - OTRS is implemented.

Regular specialists without involvement of third-party contractors are engaged in design and development of a solution architecture.

For effective operation of this tool problems of integration with information systems and modules of architectural IT of a landscape of the company and also with external systems of customers are solved. Such approach provides uniformity in registration, processing and accomplishment of the processes and requests coming to functional divisions. Its relevance and, often, even need repeatedly increases with staff increase and development of geographical presence of the company. For an internal landscape are, for example, the processes of submission of requests for office support, requests for a quotation coming to the center of purchases from all 85 offices of the company, organizational requests for a design of business trips, overtime work which are processed by HR department.

Integration with information systems of the customer is necessary for reduction of time for processing and closing of incoming requests and also for an exception of their duplication in an internal system for the purpose of tracking and the analysis of daily executed transactions. For example, reflection in OTRS IRIS of requests for carrying out balancing and commissioning, technical or operational service of three hundred gas stations, setup of the equipment and other services is implemented by mirroring of the working groups of contractors and fields of an information system in which the customer works. Result of such integration - not only optimization of working time of personnel to which duties belongs including correct reflection of the performed operations in the customer's IC, but also minimization of technical delays of SLA according to requests – an indicator of quality evaluation of the rendered services.

In addition to integration project managers of OTRS IRIS execute a huge number of tasks for ensuring operability of a system, such as:

  • creation of templates for submission of requests;
  • setup of the client OTRS portal for work of clients (users) and the approving persons;
  • differentiation of the rights of different categories of contractors;
  • synchronization of a system with personnel data and corporate mail (Active Directory),
  • development electronic and media instructions for the agents and clients of the program making the knowledge base;
  • formation of templates of service acts and the unified documents necessary for implementation of processes.

Additional segments of architecture of OTRS among which there is a subsystem of the reporting and a dashborda, CMDB base for accounting of the serviced components of the IT configuration of the circle of customers, automation of the developed business processes are projected.