Customers: Monolithic construction management-1 (local government)
Contractors: Montrans Product: 1C: AccountingНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Second product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructure Project date: 2018/10 - 2019/03
On April 9, 2019 the MONTRANS company reported what after data integration of satellite monitoring of the company into the program of 1C, the construction enterprise "MSU-1" cut fuel consumption for 20%.
Control work of transport it was problematic because of remoteness of building sites. To minimize losses of MSU-1 fuel signed the contract with MONTRANS company. Now the management of the enterprise using the program of 1C sees: how many passed each car with what speed transport moved whether the driver deviated a route and whether there corresponds fuel consumption to the passable distance in kilometers.
To monitoring system implementation account of fuel was kept on the basis of the standards approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Digits were incorrect and did not allow to control precisely an expense - the chief economist of "MSU-1" Pyotr Smogaylov tells, – After the MONTRANS company installed the equipment and integrated data of monitoring into 1C, fuel consumption was cut for 20%. It is 20 thousand liters a month. Economy made more than 800 thousand rubles a month on 160 pieces of equipment or on 5000 rubles a month on one machine. |
Now waybills to drivers are issued by the terminal. And it is possible to receive the work order, being on a construction object, without leaving anywhere. It allowed to accelerate production process, facilitated operation of managers and completely excluded influence on result of "a human factor". The management of "MSU-1" is going to implement telemedicine at the enterprise. Technologies of MONTRANS company allow to undergo to drivers medical examination remotely. Equipment installation will help employees to save working time. Besides, the cost of electronic service will be more considerable cheaper, than payment of work of the doctor. And the most important - the unwell driver will not be able to convince the computer that it is healthy and ready to take the wheel.