Customers: Gazprombank (GPB) Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing Contractors: National settlement depositary - Non-bank credit organization of closed joint stock company (NPO of NSD Ltd) Product: NSD: TransitProject date: 2018/10 - 2019/03
On April 15, 2019 reported to NSD that Gazprombank and Dixy Group began to carry out joint calculations through the platform of NSD Transit 2.0.
Transit 2.0 – a system for exchange of financial messages between corporations and banks servicing them. The platform allows to unify and standardize interaction of participants of a system, to increase safety of this interaction, noted in NSD.
The solution of NSD helps to save time and resources considerably. To us as to large corporation with the developed structure of payments and checking accounts in several banks, it is convenient in a single system within one transaction to make exchange of documents at once with all participants of transaction. Therefore we are glad that one more bank became the user of the platform. Yulia Zhuvaga, chief financial officer of DIXY Group
Gazprombank has base of multichannel communication with clients that allows us to be open to any technological solutions. It is strategic important advantage in the market, answering modern trends of transactional banking. I will emphasize that Transit platform 2.0 is created and localized in the territory of Russia, in the future it can become the main for perspective solutions. Vladimir Busko, the first vice-vrezident Gazprombank
We are very glad that Gazprombank began to use Transit platform 2.0 in the industrial mode. This fact is confirmed by a maturity of Transit project 2.0 and allows us to scale it due to expansion of a pool of participants of an ecosystem. We are sure that the proposed technological solution of NSD will bring to project participants additional value. to Us Alexander, the managing director on technology NSD service