Customers: NPF MRS Electronics Nizhny Novgorod; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: 1C: April Software Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2016/07 - 2016/12
Number of licenses: 12
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2016: Industrial automation of shipboard electric equipment and automatic equipment based on 1C:ERP
The growing requirements of the company and the market situation required to move to qualitatively new level of automation. A system which would support all changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation was required for MRS Electronics scientific and production firm, would combine all complex of subsystems, necessary for management.
System Selection
At a stage of the choice of the program it was sounded that the implemented system should:
- support the separate cost accounting,
- be suitable for a komorganization
- contain functionality on accounting of work on Federal Laws 275 (state defense orders)
- maintain other specific features of activity of the enterprise
- reflect production - instrument making
Under implementation of these requirements the product " suited 1C: Erp.Upravleniye enterprise 8". 1C Company acted as the contractor : April Software.
Work progress
Initial works were performed: installation on jobs, data transfer and a remaining balance is executed, training in work is provided. The main requirements are automated, their completions are executed.
Project Results:
- Accounting on series on raw materials and finished goods is organized. Are provided: traceability of use of series of raw materials and from what specifically raw materials each lot of products is made.
- During the work with orders of buyers the statuses are used that allows to obtain information on a current status of the order at any moment.
- The order scheme of work with remote division is organized that allows to monitor sending and receiving Inventories, separating them on the reflected transactions.
- The mechanism of operational accounting of the executed transactions, the material consumption, parameters of quality, equipment operation parameters is developed. The traceability of use of materials, operational obtaining information on the production process course is organized.
- Transparent material accounting in workshops through selection of shop storerooms is organized.
- Reports using which it is possible to obtain quickly reliable information necessary for acceptance of management decisions are developed.
A system is put into operation from 12/1/2016 within the following subsystems:
- Accounting;
- Tax accounting;
- Management of warehouse stocks;
- Purchase management;
- Purchase planning;
- Sales management;
- Pricing;
- Product data management;
- Production management;
- Cost accounting and management reporting
12 jobs are automated. Further it is going to support further a system, complementing it with new features.