Customers: Biocad Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare Contractors: Dialog IT Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2018/02 - 2018/07
Number of licenses: 200
Content |
2018: Implementation of a subsystem of providing based on 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2
The Biocad company made the decision on upgrade of an information system because increase in production and scale of research activity became heavy to be supported using the available information systems. There was an urgent need of maintenance of not reduced stock of different Inventories for uninterrupted production and researches. It is necessary to consolidate requirements from different sources in a uniform subsystem of ensuring requirements. And also it is necessary to implement complex automation of end-to-end processes (production, purchases, a warehouse, sales) and to prepare the base for continuous development of a system.
The specifics of work with the customer were that in the company there were operational organizational changes and rapid growth of the company. With respect thereto in the course of maintenance regular completions and development of the existing system were carried out.
Due to the assigned tasks and specifics of work with the customer the decision on implementation of 1C:Enterprise 8 software product was made . ERP Enterprise management 2.
Work progress
During the project the Dialog IT company contractor performs the following works:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers
- Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
- Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
- Methodical ensuring specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (the requirement to adaptation)
- Creation of interfaces and sets of user rights
- Technical implementation of specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (adaptation)
- Integration into third-party automation systems
Work on the Adaptation of the Standard Solution:
- Adaptation of standard jobs on maintenance of warehouse stocks
- Development of a technique of reservation in a status of ensuring production ("Just in time")
- Additional control of timeliness of write-offs of Inventories in divisions
Upon completion of implementation a system is accepted by the customer in commercial operation.
According to the results of works in Biocad the following functions are automated:
- Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
- Order placement to suppliers
- Purchase planning
- Vendor relationship management
- Supply chain management
- Accounting of arrival of Inventories
- Different industry specifics
- Production, services:
- Scheduling of production at the level of workshop
- Production volume scheduling
- Material requirement planning
- Calculation of normative cost value
- Data management about structure and structure of a product, a compounding
- Management of fixed asset maintenances (CMM, EAM)
- The cost accounting on production
- Production, services:
- Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM WMS TMS)
- Sales (sale), service, marketing:
- Calculation of normative cost value of orders
- Warehouse and logistics:
- Control and accounting of serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates
- Reservation of Inventories
- Management of warehouse stocks
- Accounting of Inventories in shop storerooms
- Sales (sale), service, marketing:
Total number of the automated jobs was 200. A system is on maintenance and development. Consultation on methodical and technical issues of work with the program of 1C is performed.
Tasks to development of a system
As key problems of development of a system the following works are selected:
- Implementation of the block of planning and functionality of the analysis of balance of sales, productions and providing
- Development of processes of long-term ensuring requirements (production and internal consumption)
- Implementation of processes of accounting of repairs
- Optimization of normative data on providing on the basis of the system of statistics collected during maintenance.