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Developers: Hyperion Gray
Branches: Information technologies

OmniSense is the software which, according to his developers from Hyperion Gray company, allows to predict cyber attacks some days before their beginning. A system "wiretaps servers", the planets which are in different corners, the activity on the Internet analyzes and decrypts the specific computer from which suspicious actions proceed (for example, scanning of network or search of the password). As soon as the OmniSense technology finds potentially dangerous machine, its begins "deep scanning": the started programs are checked and any domain names connected with the IP address of this computer are looked for. After that assessment of threats from this device forms.

The company does not specify how its system gets an information access about the programs started in the computer. Usually only the owner or the system administrator in the company knows what software functions at this or that moment.

2019: The U.S. intelligence uses OmniSense

At the end of March, 2019 it became known that the U.S. intelligence added to the arsenal the OmniSense tool for forecasting of hacker attacks.

In 2015 the Agency of the advanced researches in the field of investigation (IARPA, division of the National intelligence of the USA) began  search  of technologies which not just would predict cyber attacks, but also in advance provided details about them: for example, what weak points will appear under blow and what digital weapon will be used.

The U.S. intelligence adopts software, predicting cyber attacks some days before their beginning

The project under the name Cyberattack Automated Unconventional Sensor Environment (CAUSE) was begun. The work on it was completed in March, 2019. One of the commands participating in the program told Forbes about the Omnisense tool which she developed for the CAUSE project together with the University of Southern California.

Omnisense is started in data center of Hyperion Gray company. Her representative reported to the edition that the tool helped one of the companies to foresee cyber attack in four days prior to its commission. A set of small firms and large corporations and also government organizations expressed desire to use Omnisense.[1]
