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Infinidat Elastic Data Fabric

Developers: Infinidat
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/05/13
Branches: Information technologies
Technology: SaaS - The software as service,  DWH,  Data processing centers are technologies for DPC

Infinidat Elastic Data Fabric is the concept of data storage which relies on all technologies which are the cornerstone of Infinidat portfolio.

2020: The right of additional use up to 100% of capacity of DWH within 30 days

On March 26, 2020 it became known that Infinidat the supplier of multipetabyte solutions for data storage started the project on support of partners. The company grants to customers the right to use in addition up to 100% of the set capacity within 30 days without additional payment. Read more here.

2019: The announcement of the concept of storage of Scale to Win for multipetabyte DPCs

On May 13, 2019 the Infinidat company announced the vision of the future of storage systems of a corporate class, being focused on providing customers with the competitive advantages connected with data processing of multipetabyte scale.

According to the company, the concept of Infinidat Elastic Data Fabric which main components are already available is the cornerstone, and additional components will appear in the middle of 2020. Infinidat Elastic Data Fabric relies on all technologies which are the cornerstone of Infinidat portfolio for the purpose of providing the infrastructure supporting transparent transfer of workloads between systems, data processing centers and cloud providers. At the same time data migration passes into the list of outdated IT and services.

The enterprises enduring digital transformation need solutions for data storage which will be developed in process of change of requirements of business. In the announcement of Infinidat Elastic Data Fabric vision of future multipetabyte hybrid infrastructure of cloud data processing centers is stated.

Eric Burgener, vice president for researches group of the infrastructure systems, platforms and technologies of IDC company

Key components of the announcement:

InfiniVerse is the cloud platform of expanded monitoring, forecasting and support based on work of artificial intelligence. It allows to configure monitoring panels in a whole for all InfiniBox systems where they were. The product gives an opportunity to clients to identify unused capacity, to predict growth, performance and to define problem settings which can affect performance or reliability. InfiniVerse is available to clients from the second quarter 2019 without any additional costs.

InfiniBox FLX and InfiniGuard FLX for May, 2019 are available, they provide big flexibility of a data processing center, eliminating traditional dependence on the physical equipment during the planning and management in a cloud consumption pattern of customers. By means of complex subscriptions to storage and backup with placement in DPC of the client these programs allow customers to pay what they use, if necessary increasing or reducing consumption as loading grows, is taken out of service or moves to other systems. Both programs provide to 100% a guarantee of data availability and include regeneration of the equipment, both controllers, and carriers, each three years, and it is included subscriptions in the price.

The fifth software version of InfiniBox which will be available since the third quarter 2019 includes a number of the improvements of the software providing performance improvement, the manager of network blocking (NLMv4) for NFSv3 file systems, active replication for providing 100% of availability and mobility of data without interruption of work for the simplified movement of workload between any two InfiniBox systems. Also improvements include the general decrease in delays, allowing to receive up to two million input-output operations per second and increase in capacity up to 25 gigabytes per second.

In the second quarter 2019 different options of the InfiniBox configuration, including the Fibre Channel of 16 Gbit, 32 Gbit and Ethernet of 25 Gbit will be available. These systems will also be ready to technologies of the future, such as NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) and Storage Class Memory (SCM) for providing faster cache for InfiniBox.