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Qualys Cloud Platform (ранее QualysGuard)

Developers: Qualys
Last Release Date: 2019/09/04
Technology: SaaS - The software as service,  Information loss preventions are the Firewall,  cybersecurity



Start from the Russian cloud Rostelecom

On September 4, 2019 Rostelecom-Solar company, the national provider of technologies and services of cyber security, announced start of commercial service for management of vulnerabilities based on solutions of Qualys from the Russian cloud Rostelecom". Thus, cross-border data transmission is excluded that allows a wide range of the organizations to take advantage of service. The solution helps to control security of external and internal perimeter, remote jobs of employees and also observance of domestic policy of cybersecurity and requirements of regulators, including the PCI DSS standard.

According to analytics of Gartner, Qualys enters into the three of the largest global manufacturers in the field of Vulnerability Management. The developer for September, 2019 delivers cloud cybersecurity solutions of more than 12 thousand companies in 130 countries. On average in a year the vendor produces more than 3 billion scannings of the IP addresses, reveals more than 100 billion vulnerabilities and more than 1 trillion cybersecurity events. However, despite all technology advantages, the circle of customers of Qualys was limited that many companies are not ready to give data of scannings to a foreign cloud.

Use of service from a foreign cloud and cross-border data transmission about vulnerabilities causes serious concerns to many companies. Emergence of a commercial cloud of Qualys in the territory of Russia and service by his experienced service provider, allows the domestic companies to investigate qualitatively the level of the security the checked solution, without incurring at the same time capital costs and without being afraid for safety of data,


Service of management of vulnerabilities is available for September, 2019 in three formats: single or periodic scanning in a subscription and also full-function cloud service of monitoring of vulnerabilities. Qualys has extensive dynamic base of vulnerabilities which is regularly replenished from 12 different sources. During scanning there is a search of vulnerabilities from the saved-up knowledge base to the IP addresses or the Websites set by the customer.

The subscription to service allows to save the history of scannings and to learn quickly about emergence of vulnerabilities in the changing infrastructure. In a case with full-function monitoring the customer also has an opportunity to customize the convenient graphic display of results of the carried-out analysis to security, to scan internal perimeter and remote jobs.

Irrespective of the selected format service can be used at any time and from any place in the world. Thanks to ample opportunities of connection — via the web browser, the cloud agent or the virtual machine — each infrastructure facility of the organization will be quickly analyzed on vulnerability. The cloud format of providing service provides convenience of joint work of staff of IT and cybersecurity services of the organization.

Interaction of infrastructure of the customer Rostelecom happens to a cloud via secure channels of communication. The Rostelecom-Solar company performs service and updating of software solutions of Qualys and also support and consultation for clients and validation of reports of vendor.

Qualys Cloud Platform portfolio

As of September of the Qualys Cloud Platform portfolio (before QualysGuard) includes the following cloud applicaions:

  • Asset Inventory (AI),
  • CMDB Sync (SYN),
  • Vulnerability Management (VM),
  • Threat Protection (TP),
  • Continuous Monitoring (CM),
  • Indication of Compromise (IOC),
  • Container Security (CS),
  • Cloud Inventory (CI),
  • Cloud Security Assessment (CSA),
  • Web Application Scanning (WAS),
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF),
  • Policy Compliance (PC),
  • PCI Compliance (PCI),
  • File Integrity Monitoring (FIM),
  • Security Configuration Assessment (SCA),
  • Security Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ),
  • Certificate Inventory (CRI),
  • Certificate Assessment (CRA).

Description of QualysGuard

For May, 2019 the main solution Qualys is the cloud platform of QualysGuard providing the integrated solution package for automation of lifecycle of search of resources, assessment of security and observance of the set requirements for IT infrastructure and resources of the enterprises irrespective of whether there are they in the enterprise, in its network perimeter or in a cloud environment. The model of providing cloud services implemented in QualysGuard can be unrolled on a global scale that provides more rapid implementation, application and smaller total ownership cost in comparison with traditional local software products for the enterprises. QualysGuard provides to the companies information on potential vulnerabilities and malware in their IT infrastructure and helps to provide compliance to domestic policy and the commonly accepted standards.