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"Nikita Mobile" implemented the distribution Wings platform

Customers: Nikita Nikita

Yerevan; Telecommunication and communication

Contractors: Wings
Product: WINGS platform

Project date: 2008/04  - 2020/11

2020: Implementation of the omnichannel solution

In 2020 the Nikita Mobile implemented the distribution platform from VINGS company. The platform allows to organize quickly mailing on channels: The SMS, Viber, Push, Email, voice messages (call-down), is available the stage circuit of sending messages. It became known on December 11, 2020.

Until recently for mailing of information and advertizing messages in Nikita Mobile company the distribution systems of different producers were used for each communication channel that caused inconveniences. Therefore the management made the decision on implementation of the omnichannel solution of one producer. Implementation of the distribution platform allowed Nikita Mobile to improve customer service and to increase the speed of delivery of messages.

Implementation in 2008 of the platform for providing VAS services became the first project which laid the foundation of long-term cooperation of the companies WINGS. Reliability and performance of the platform and also simplicity of connection of partners in different protocols allowed to implement numerous projects. In particular, since 2010 in the territory Armenia SMS vote for participants of the Eurovision Contest takes place on the WINGS platform, in 2013 SMS service of the paid parking is started. Based on the platform USSD portals for several mobile operators of Armenia are started: direct interaction with the systems of operators is organized, various information services and directories of entertaining are available to subscribers content. The start in 2016 based on the platform of the USSD ArCa portal for the national operator payment system Armenian Card implemented together with Beeline Armenia became one of noticeable projects: the project is intended for mobile subscribers and owners bank cards of the ArCa system who, having attached the card number to the mobile number, can execute transactions with the map with the help of the convenient and simple USSD interface.

VINGS company gives the round-the-clock technical support of services of the Nikita Mobile. The staff of VINGS makes monitoring of the platform and connections with mobile operators and partners, performs support of a restoration system, servers administer.

The software of VINGS allowed us to become and within 12 years to remain market leaders of mobile informing and mobile marketing of Armenia, - Liana Avakyan, the director of the Nikita Mobile notes, - Thanks to cooperation with VINGS, we can direct all the efforts to promotion of own services, without being distracted by technical tasks. The software of VINGS develops according to requirements of the market and allows us to offer our clients of service timely. We trust VINGS, constantly we expand cooperation, together we participate in tenders, we see in it the full-fledged technical partner and we plan other joint projects.


On May 20, 2019 the VINGS company reported that ten years in a row SMS vote for participants of the tender "Eurovision" takes place in Armenia on the WINGS platform. In 2008 the Nikita Mobile company (Armenia) implemented a multitransport platform of WINGS, and since 2010 SMS vote for participants of the tender "Eurovision" takes place on the software of VINGS company.

So, on a past on May 16 vote in the second semi-final and on May 18, 2019 vote in the final of Eurovision, through the WINGS platform TV viewers of Armenia sent the maximum quantity of voices for the Russian contractor Sergey Lazarev thanks to what Armenia gave it twice 12 points.