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This year in the Nizhny Novgorod Region implementation of the partisipatorny budget will begin

Customers: Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Contractors: Vostok
Product: Vostok Blockchain platform
На базе: Projects based on blockchain technology

Project date: 2019/02

2020: In the Nizhny Novgorod Region implementation of the partisipatorny budget will begin

The deputy governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Igor Nosov in June, 2020 made the report on the innovation experience of the region on implementation of digital technologies of budgeting at the All-Russian forum "IT Dialog" in St. Petersburg. Igor Nosov told that since 2019 in the Nizhny Novgorod Region the digital platform "Model Budget" is applied.

"Thanks to the digital platform implemented in 380 municipalities in all districts of the area requirements of local government are calculated more precisely, the objectivity of expenses grows", – Igor Nosov noted.

Also the deputy governor reported that in 2019 in the region is going to begin implementation of the principles of partisipatorny budgeting. In September it is going to start technology on the BlockChain-platform which will give to inhabitants an opportunity to distribute 1 billion rubles, offering the ideas and voting for the ideas of other people.

Similar projects are implemented by the authorities in Brazil, Iceland, South Korea. Citizens monitor public discussion of the made proposals and can change the priorities in online-vote, raising thus own financial literacy trusting decisions of the authorities more.

"It is impossible to speak about modern digital economy without digital budget. In Russia the whole generation which carries out the life in a digital circuit grew, solving the social, financial and personal tasks there. Therefore inhabitants become end consumers of our projects", – Igor Nosov[1] emphasized[2].

2019: The system of civil vote City of N - blockchain technology in state management

On May 24, 2019 the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region reported that the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin submitted the project on implementation of blockchain technologies to public administration. The system of civil vote City of N will become the first project on implementation of blockchain technologies in the region.

Submission of the project on implementation of blockchain technologies in the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Use of the application working at the Vostok platform will allow inhabitants to distribute own taxes between different expense categories (such as education, roads, improvement, etc.) and also in more detail to separate them on subcategories. The application allows to identify unambiguously residents of the Nizhny Novgorod Region thanks to integration into the Gosuslugi portal and also automatically determines the amount of their contributions to the local budget – thanks to integration with the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

Gleb Nikitin emphasized:

We actively investigate world practice of use of blockchain technologies in a state administration. Thanks to modern technologies inhabitants will be more actively involved in management of the city through initiative, so-called "partisipatorny" budgeting. The blockchain technology will allow us to provide the maximum transparency and honesty in the relations of the person and the state. It is an opportunity for creation of the equal relations when the citizen sees the contribution to the general development, and at it there is an opportunity to ask more strictly from the state. We hope that our experience will be positively apprehended also in other regions.
Gleb Nikitin, governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

It is going to implement a system in the pilot mode at budgeting for 2020. The City of N application is prepared for demonstration of opportunities of application of a blockchain in work of the state and municipal bodies within the agreement signed between the Nizhny Novgorod Region and Vostok.

Earlier Gleb Nikitin announced plans for agreement signature about development of initiative (partisipatorny) budgeting in the region. In the region creation of several zones of testing of the products developed based on blockchain technologies and covering such areas as public services and services, land registries and real estate registers, city and local government, creation of municipal information systems, creation of digital profiles of citizens, optimization of efficiency and speed of electronic document management, etc. is planned.

It is expected that the National center of informatization of State Corporation Rostec will also provide integration of technologies of the distributed register into other regions of Russia.


  1. [ In the Nizhny Novgorod Region
  2. implementation of the partisipatorny budget will begin]