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Squadrille (QUADRILLE)

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Squadrille
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/05/27
Branches: Information technologies

The Squadrille service (in the Russified version – the QUADRILLE) is capable to analyze instantly data of several thousand candidates and to submit analysis results of service HR in the form of informative infographics and the text summary with interpretation and recommendations about adaptation.

2019: Start of Squadrille service

On May 27, 2019 the Russian startup of Squadrille specializing in development of technological solutions for HR services announced release of the Squadrille service capable to effectively estimate candidates using AI in completely automatic mode and to instantly process information of several thousand candidates. This online service is designed to increase several times efficiency of work of personnel departments, to save their employees from excess paper work and also to exclude a human factor at assessment of capabilities, skills and competences of applicants.

Squadrille (QUADRILLE)

Irina Lilenko-Karelina told:

Work of Squadrille consists in complex assessment of candidates on the basis of the data screening tests, a case interview and game testing developed by specialists with extensive work experience in the field of HR in the leading companies of the Russian market. Now to find the 'correct' people, it is reliable to estimate competences of applicants for vacant positions and also it is possible to compare values of the candidate and the employer to a minimum of labor costs and high degree of reliability.


Smart-service Squadrille

Founders of Squadrille place a particular emphasis for roles of artificial intelligence in interpretation of results of testing. AI is capable to analyze data of the candidate in seconds, having presented result in the form of informative infographics and the text summary with interpretation and recommendations about adaptation. From other important competitive advantages Squadrille developers select the intuitive interface of service and also the gamification mode doing process of passing of testing by the candidate easy and easy.

Irina Lilenko-Karelina added:

Gamification allows to minimize the error in results of testing caused by a stress. The game mode configures on a positive, and it is a guarantee of high reliability and representativeness.
Irina Lilenko-Karelina, CEO of Squadrille

Squadrille mascot – the nice horse of Ksyush Vjyablochkin as envisioned by organizers personifies all employees of the HR departments forced 'plow as horses' for the benefit of the company. The 'horse' subject is traced also in a line of the Squadrille rates. So, for example, within the Roan rate developed especially for startups and the fast-growing companies, the client can conduct survey of 3000 respondents, obtain data of screening Emotional intelligence and also carry out complex the case interview QUADRILLE and 8 projective interviews of personality characteristics of candidates.


Link to Squadrille service