Etton developed the electronic register of places of accumulation and the scheme of placement of platforms of accumulation of solid utility waste in Krasnoyarsk
Customers: City administration of Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk; Government and social institutions Contractors: Etton Product: FSIS (individual development)Project date: 2018/11 - 2019/04
On May 31, 2019 the Etton Group company announced completion of works on development of the electronic register of places of accumulation and the scheme of placement of platforms of accumulation of the solid utility waste (SUW) for city administration of Krasnoyarsk.
According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 8/31/18 N of 1039. "About the approval of Rules of arrangement of places (platforms) of accumulation of solid utility waste and maintaining their register", platforms should conform to requirements of sanitary and epidemiologic regulations.
This electronic register contains data on where collecting of waste where it is prohibited and on what platforms there is collecting of TKO is resolved. Information on technical characteristics of container platforms, owners of places of accumulation of waste and on places of formation of TKO is also available.
Implementation of this system will help to approve locations of containers for collecting of garbage and to avoid disagreements between management companies and local government authorities.
The register was integrated with the official site of city administration of Krasnoyarsk