Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2019/06/09 19:42:36

Manna (ancient state)



Emergence and eminence of the state of Manna

In the 9th century BC in the historical territory of the Manna there were independent areas Zamua, Apaty, Gizilbunda, Uishdish, to Zikirt and others. The Zamua area — the country lullubiyev — made the main part of the Manneysky state.

At the beginning of the I millennium BC in the south of modern Azerbaijan there were premises for formation of the centralized state. In the 9th century BC there was a state of Manna. The country name of Mann for the first time meets in 843 BC in a cuneiform text of the Assyrian tsar Salmanasar III. This word the ethnic name of one of priurmiysky tribes was probable and afterwards extended to all lands integrated by manneyets.

The city of Izirtu was the capital of the Manna.

The territory of Transcaucasia in the 9-7th centuries BC.

In 829. A manna it is mentioned among the areas which underwent devastation Assyrians.

In the first half of the 8th century BC the Assyrian tsar Tiglatpalasar III for the purpose of gain of the political influence on the Manna and other countries attacked Urartu. It occupied the Manneysky region Mazamua owing to what Mann as the ally of Assyria was at war with Urartu, then with the New Babylon kingdom and the Mussel.

The governor Manny to Iranz (740-719 BC), having used successful campaigns of Assyria against Urartu, returned itself the manneysky lands which are earlier occupied by urartiyets.

Iranzu subordinated manneysky areas of the central power and created the system of a namestnichestvo in the country. During board Iranzu Mann in the basin of the lake Urmia turned into the strong state. In foreign policy of the Manna two directions came to light: one group led by Iranzu saw the ally in Assyria and with its help wanted to save integrity of manneysky lands, other group inclined to the union with Urartu. This two-track policy interfered with the implementation of centralization of the state. Some deputies even rose against Iranzu's policy. Having used it, the tsar of Urartu of Rus I with the aggressive purpose signed the agreement with the deputy of the Zikirtu area and some other cities. As a result of it in 719 BC in a number of the cities of the Manna the revolts against centralization policy of Iranzu suppressed by the ally Iranzu the Assyrian tsar Sargon II took place.

After death to Iranz his sons led race for power. Having snatched the moment, Sargon II in 714 BC made a big campaign on the Manna, the Mussel and Urartu. It had three purposes:

  • save to Mann from expansion of Urartu;
  • strengthen positions of Assyria in Mann;
  • provide timely receiving a tribute from the Manna for benefit of Assyria.

In this big campaign the governor Manny provided to Ulusun (716-680 BC) with food the Assyrian army.

As a result of Sargon II's campaign of Urartu got beaten, weakened and could not interfere with internal affairs of the Manna any more. The manna could save the power. Enjoined to set to Ulusun a stone stele in honor of Sargon II.

Economy and culture of the Manna

The population of the Manna was engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and craft. The magnificent samples detected at excavation in Hasanlu and Ziviye's areas of the Southern Azerbaijan metal and jewelry speak about the high level of development of craft. The silver bowl, rogoobrazny cups (brothels), draw special attention of a product with the image of a tree of life and winged bulls.

At archeological excavations to Hasanla a remaining balance of weaver's products and colored clothes are found. On a gold bowl three gods are represented (The sun, the Moon, Wind and the Rain). In Mann worshipped different gods. In myths of manneyets the important place is taken by such monsters as a sphinx and a griffin (a mythical animal with a trunk of a lion, wings of an eagle and the head of a lion or eagle).

In Mann the architecture and art were developed. Defensive fortresses and fortified cities were constructed.

The people inhabiting neighborhoods of the lake Urmia in the III millennium were familiar BC with a cuneiform writing, and in Mann there were local types of writing. On a surface of the silver tray found in Ziviye hieroglyphs are represented.

Language of ancient manneyets was Turkic. It is considered that to a turukk — an initial form of the Turkic breeding name.

Easing and falling of the Manna

The manna was the state founded on slaveholding mode of production. Governors of areas — deputies submitted to the central power. The ancient Azerbaijani Turkic dynasty ruled the state. From the second half of the 8th century BC the power devolved from the father to the son. The Council of Elders submitted to the tsar.

The tribes of kimmer, Scythians and juice which came here from coast of the Black Sea through the North Caucasus lodged in the first quarter of the 7th century BC between the Manna and Urartu. It created big threat of Assyria. In Mann the opposition of Assyria was formed. In such conditions of Mann, having broken the union with Assyria, became completely independent country. The Manneysky tsar Akhsheri (675-650 BC) pursued independent foreign policy. Therefore the tsar of Assyria Ashurbanipal in 650 BC broke army of the Manna, occupied the capital of Izirta, captivated a part of the population, as trophies took herds of animals and herds of horses. After such defeat in the country the rebellion against Akhsheri was excited and he was killed. His son Ualli (650-630 BC) recovered the union with Assyria.

In 616 BC. The manna remained in the union with Assyria against the New Babylon kingdom and the Mussel. In 590 BC. The mussel occupied to Mann. As a result the state of Manna fell.