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Victor Olersky. Through fire, water and copper pipes

14.06.19, 17:54, Msk

Victor Olersky is known as the person who brought the Russian fleet to new level. Today he is the board member of Russian Fishing Company LLC. Before nine years was on a post of the deputy of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Like a duck to water

Victor Olersky caught a high state post in the summer of 2009. Sea and river transport Russia at that time had not the simplest times. He should solve many problems. The wide experience accumulated on prior workplaces helped Olersky to feel on the new place like a duck to water.

Victor Olersky

Already in the first few years he made more, than someone another for updating of the Russian fleet. It managed to improve many times over the system of public administration by marine and river transport of the country.

Victor Aleksandrovich took active part in development of the law on support of navigation and shipbuilding. With its help created the Strategy of development of the inland water transport of Russia till 2030. The Russian fleet began to be updated quickly. Also adopted new standards according to which approve internal waterways.

Attached Olersky particular importance to cross-industry dialog. It helped Russian ship-building to find the enterprises a common language with representatives of navigable business.

Sea power

Victor Aleksandrovich who came to Ministry of Transport from business contributed to the development of tens of projects both private companies, and state-controlled. On their implementation the state budget in 9 years was left by nearly 500 billion rubles. Only according to the industry federal target program in 2010-2018 signed contracts for 200 billion rubles. Olersky distributed large investments on creation of port objects and on vessel construction. First of all, he undertook seaports and with success made so that procedures at customs with courts in seaports were carried out as soon as possible. It managed to be reached in many respects thanks to the fact that he agreed with border management of FSB and the Federal Customs Service.

Victor Olersky

He also understood how it is important to establish cooperation of operators of sea terminals with carriers on the railroad. Therefore he suggested to make the necessary amendments to the law on seaports.

Correct outputs

During operation on a post the deputy minister Victor had to come up against difficult situations. Force majeure happened in the summer of 2011. The terrible tragedy on Volga with the Bulgaria ship claimed the lives of many people. Olersky drew the correct conclusions from this situation. To prevent similar he decided to reform the system of work of the inland water transport of Russia.

Active actions of Olersky helped to reform the Public sea rescue service, a management system for kapitaniye, work of industry universities.

Olersky successfully participated in negotiations of the international level. Under its control adopted agreements on navigation at the sea, solved problems with the American side concerning navigation in the Bering Strait.

Victor Aleksandrovich's service in the ministry and its work at the head of Rosmorrechflot gave a lot of things for the industry: the fleet of Russia became younger, in the country there were new ports, it became safer to work at navigation, sea education got support, Russia strengthened the influence at the international level.

After leaving from the state post Victor did not throw work in the transport industry and remained is correct to the main business of life.