Customers: R.O.M. Contractors: 1C Architect of business (1AB Master) Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2018/10 - 2019/03
Number of licenses: 10
2019: Increase in profitability of sales of overalls with the help of 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2
Earlier for automation of production accounting in R. O. M. LLC separate programs which did not give a complex picture of the events were used. There was no system control of work of employees from different divisions, there was no detailing of transactions, information input errors met.
The company management decided to change guidance loops and to install other system. The choice fell on "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise management 2" — the program intended for optimization of production management and business. It allows to optimize nomenclature planning and activity of workshops, to settle stages of the actual accomplishment of orders.
R. O. M. LLC asked for the help company "1C Architect of business". Specialists carried out express diagnostics of internal mechanisms of the company, showed the test version of a system. Discussed functionality of the ERP solution by each division: production, sales, purchases, marketing.
On the basis of data retrieveds developers "1C Architect of business" carried out the following works:
- installation and setup "1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise management 2";
- data transfer from the available bases in new (all reference books from December, 2014 on current date);
- training and consultation of employees on work in the program.
In total during the project 10 jobs were automated.
Key results:
- The program integrated work of divisions. All data on a productive and business activity of the company are available in electronic form. If earlier employees spent a lot of time for data entry manually, then now information gathers and grouped in a new system automatically, there is its instant processing and the analysis. Documents form quickly, without adjustments and completions. It simplifies preparation of the managerial and regulated reporting.
- A system improved quality of production planning: expanded guidance loops, increased the accuracy of data, detailed the reporting. It is easy for employees to fix changes of indicators, to control expenses and to monitor profitability of the enterprise. Instant informing on problems allows to solve timely problems, to understand violations of technology process.
- Processing orders of buyers became quicker and more effectively. Operators quickly distribute partners. Each batch on production is accepted strictly on the basis of the orders placed in the program. Risks of emergence of losses owing to wrong idle time of goods are reduced to a minimum.
Start date of commercial operation — 3/4/2019.