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Cisco implements set-top box for communication with doctors on TV

Customers: American Well

Boston; Information technologies

Contractors: Cisco Systems

Project date: 2019/06

In the middle of June, 2019 it became known of use of Cisco Set-top boxes for communication with doctors on TV. This project is implemented together with the supplier of telemedicine services of American Well.

Traditionally virtual medical visits are conducted using notebooks and smartphones, but the TV can be much more convenient and available means of communication for elderly people. Them and also people with serious diseases which can regularly need medical care Cisco considers by potential audience for the prefix integrating TVs of users with technologies of telemedicine.

Cisco implements prefixes for communication with doctors on TV

The president and the chief executive officer of American Well Roy Schoenberg said that the company discusses an issue of providing telemedicine services through television several years. However ways of these changes were steadily followed by technical issues of providing remote services. Besides, devices should provide proper communication quality and adapt under needs of patients with different heavy violations.

Meanwhile developers try to create the device which is most meeting all requirements. It is supposed that the user activates a prefix, will turn on the TV, will connect it to Wi-fi network and will agree to a virtual video visit to the attending physician. After that the patient will be able to get necessary advice and, whenever possible, treatment.

Cisco intends to use the existing sensing technology of persons and speeches to improve user interaction. Representatives of the company emphasize that confidential information of patients will be carefully protected. Cisco refused to provide more detailed information on the equipment, including on the price and preliminary terms of sales.[1]
