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Megamart began to use Big Data of MTS for involvement of buyers

Customers: Megamart

Yekaterinburg; Trade

Product: MTS Marketing specialist

Project date: 2019/04  - 2019/06

In the summer of 2019 of PJSC MTS, the Russian telecommunication operator and provider of digital services, began cooperation with the retail chain stores Megamart entering into Dixy Group, having offered the service of targeting of advertizing messages "MTS the Marketing specialist". Now messages about the preparing sales in Megamart hypermarkets and Minimart supermarkets will receive only those to whom information can be most interesting.

"MTS the Marketing specialist" is a service for independent promotion of goods and services by means of targeting and the Big Data resources of MTS with machine learning.

"Being one of the innovation products of the company, service, allows business to find most precisely the client, and to the client to find those goods and services which it really needs, and in due time and the right place. Thus it significantly saves the budget to both parties. Developing service, specialists of MTS were guided by the companies of small and medium business, as a rule even not having the advertizing departments. But, innovation was demanded also by large networks. The CU Megamart, numbering 41 shopping centers, became the largest customer who used this service for today. Now information on the most advantageous offers, on the eve of the preparing sales in Megamart the hostesses using communication of MTS in Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky and Novouralsk receive. What gives them advantage over the clients of retail chain stores who are not subscribers of MTS". – the director of MTS in Sverdlovsk region Andrey Yelizarov speaks.

The MTS Marketolog service allows the advertiser most to solve to whom his offer can be interesting and sends information of the audience filtered by different parameters. In total such parameters more than 120, but the most popular, it is social and demographic (a sex, age, income), temporary (day, hour, the moment of approach of the potential client to a sales point) and also geotargeting (the territory of accommodation, frequentation of any place or finding of the subscriber near the advertized place at the time of mailing of the advertizing message).

SMS mailing not the only possible communication channel of the advertiser with the client. Targeted advertizing can be also placed in the form of push-notifications, banners, messages in messengers, in social networks or by e-mail. Service has the most widespread instruments of marketing – mailing of the discount promo codes motivating buyers to situational purchases and the cashback raising a customer loyalty and saving the company from seasonal factors.