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Technique of rating of digitalization of regions of a podvisl on approval.

Customers: The ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation (before the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications)

Project date: 2019/07  - 2019/10
Project's budget: 9.9 million руб.


Acceptance of a system of indicators of the national index of development of digital economy of Russia

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications accepted the system of indicators of the national index of development of digital economy which will form the basis of rating of digitalization of regions of Russia. The majority of the Russian subjects also supported this system. Announced this TAdviser in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on January 17, 2020.

As declared on October 31, 2019 the Russian university of cooperation with reference to the ministry, the university handed over to department the methodology of the national index of development of digital economy including, in particular, the system of its indicators in the time frame specified by the contract - till October 15, 2019[1].

Initially, according to results of purchase, the National Institute of system researches of problems of an entrepreneurship had to develop methodology of rating [2]. However, as it appears in purchase materials, did not sign the contract with institute of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. As explained in the ministry, the institute did not provide a condition 44-FZ on partial financial provision of the contract.

Thus, it agrees 44-FZ, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications had no other option how to reject the conclusion with institute of the contract and to complain of it FULL FACE. Department considered all arguments of the ministry and considered its action correct. As a result of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications signed the contract with that organization which took the second place according to the results of tender - the Russian university of cooperation, - reported TAdviser in the ministry.

Contract amount with the university, according to purchase materials, was 11.2 million rubles.

After acceptance at the Russian university of cooperation of methodology as informed in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the ministry sent the report telling about it to all regions of Russia and carried out with them video conference.

All regions, except for three, supported methodology of rating and were satisfied with results. According to regions, the methodology of new rating is more perfect, than at similar that were formed earlier. For example, same Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Higher School of Economics, Skolkovo. New uses the best of old methodologies, relying at the same time it is exclusive on objective indicators of official statistics of Rosstat whereas former ratings considered generally subjective polling appraisals, - noted in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications

As of January 20, 2019 the ministry is engaged in approval of methodology of rating of federal authorities and those regions by which it was not supported. With high confidence figure as declared in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, based on approval the methodology will be finished. Its final version will be officially published by the ministry.

As of January 20, 2019 the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is engaged in approval of methodology of rating of federal authorities and those regions by which she was not supported, declared in the ministry

At the same time, in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications noted that as the rating of digitalization of regions of Russia is pilot, its methodology will be improved further - after it is finally finished. In particular the ministry is going to consider in the future in methodology a bigger number of data, having integrated into it, for example, statistics of large banks and recruiting Internet companies.

About what indicators for calculation of the index are included by methodology and also when the first rating of digitalization of regions is ready, in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of information did not provide.

On October 31, 2019 the Russian university of cooperation with reference to the ministry reported that the first rating of digitalization of regions, according to plans, will be published in February, 2020.

In rating the contribution of digitalization to a gross regional product, an investment behavior to projects of digitalization, new jobs, growth of quality of life of people, increase in efficiency of business, quality of a state administration and many other things will be considered, - noted the university.

The rating of digitalization of regions as explained university, will give to the regional authorities the chance to create the card strong and weaknesses of each region of Russia that will allow to advance the most successful and interesting practicians.


Choice of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the system developer of indicators of the national index of development of digital economy of Russia

On August 2, 2019 the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of Russia summed up the tender results on preparation of a system of indicators of the National index of development of digital economy of the Russian Federation within implementation of an action of the federal project "Digital Technologies".[3]

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications selected the developer of the National index of development of digital economy of Russia

As note in the ministry, according to the concept of regional informatization the technique of assessment of the level of development of information society in subjects of the country was developed. And from 2016 to 2018 the rating of regions on the level of development of information society annually formed. Priority drafts of the concept were transformed to subindexes of a technique of assessment of the level of development of information society and regular monitoring of their execution was performed.

However, according to the decree of the Russian President of May 7, 2018 No. 204 and the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", the new vector of development of information society is set. Therefore it is necessary to develop the new system of indicators of the National index of development of digital economy of the Russian Federation for ensuring succession of state policy and "soft" transition of a stage of creation of information society to a stage of formation of digital economy. Continuation of use of the instrument of monitoring and rating will allow to receive timely assessment of rates of regional digital development, will provide a possibility of flexible management with development of subjects of the country, are sure of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Within the new project it is necessary to develop the concept of the National index of development of digital economy of the Russian Federation, methodology of calculation of its indicators and also the system of indicators of digital development of regions. Besides, monitoring of digital development of subjects of the country should be carried out and results of rating are received. Based on a research it is necessary to prepare the corresponding report.

The system of measures and indicators of digital development of regions should provide inclusion of statistical information on results of development of the digital economy developed in a regional section including in the following directions:

  • consumer satisfaction digital services,
  • readiness for digitalization,
  • final effects of digitalization,
  • aspects of the regional legislation and strategic documents regarding digitalization,
  • innovations and maturity of digital technologies,
  • security of a digital medium,
  • existence and development of competences of professional staff and consumers in the field of digitalization,
  • economic aspect of a digital medium,
  • technology (technical) availability and characteristics of the environment,
  • industry orientation of development of economy.

4 applications were submitted for tender with the starting price of contracts of 14.9 million rubles. Offers, in particular, arrived from "National Institute of system researches of problems of an entrepreneurship", "The Russian university of cooperation", the Moscow school of management Skolkovo and "Lomonosov Moscow State University".

According to the assessment which is carried out by a tender committee, the maximum rating was received by the request of "National Institute of system researches of problems of an entrepreneurship". He was also announced by the winner. The total cost of project implementation was reduced to 9.9 million rubles.

Preparation of the National index of development of digital economy should be complete till October 15, 2019.
