Director of science of Forecsys company.
Graduate of MIPT, corresponding member of RAS, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, winner of an award of Lenin Komsomol, winner of the Lomonosov award I of degree.
Konstantin Vladimirovich Rudakov (was born on June 21, 1954, Verey, the Moscow region) is the Russian mathematician, the corresponding member of RAS, the head of department of Computing forecasting methods of Computer center of A.A. Dorodnitsyn of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the head of the department Intelligent systems of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, professor of VMK MSU and Mathematical faculty MPGU, the member of a number of academic and scientific councils and editorial boards of scientific magazines.
The main scientific results are devoted to development of algebraic approach to synthesis of correct algorithms on the basis of heuristic information models which foundation was laid by Yu.I. Zhuravlyov in the mid-seventies of the 20th century.