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Kagazy Recycling (1C: Document Flow 8 CORP)

Customers: Kagazy Recycling

Almaty; Chemical industry

Contractors: Prof-IT
Product: 1C: Document Flow 8 CORP
На базе: 1C: Document Flow 8

Project date: 2018/11  - 2019/05
Number of licenses: 200

In May, 2019 the project on implementation 1C: Document Flow 8 CORP on Kagazy Recycling was implemented.

Project Objective: Implementation electronic document management systems 1C: Document flow CORP for Kazakhstan.

Project Tasks:

  • Ensuring completeness, reliability, timeliness and consistency of information required for the purposes of management and ensuring business activities of Society;
  • Reengineering, unification and regulation of the business processes connected with transition to EDMS, automation of the mechanism of their accomplishment and control;
  • Ensuring growth of competitive advantages due to fall forward and customer service quality - accelerations of the movement of information flows and accurate control of all processes;
  • Increase in security of information and documents, ensuring confidentiality – access to documents is strict according to the appointed user rights;
  • Ensuring recording of activity of the enterprise in general (internal office investigations, the analysis of activity of divisions, identification of "hot spots" in activity);
  • Exception of need or significant simplification and reduction in cost of storage of paper documents due to existence of operational electronic archive;
  • Economy of resources due to cost reduction on management of flows of documents in the organization - expense reduction on paper, printing, office supplies, mail services, transport, etc. Exception of paper documents of the internal turnover of the enterprise;
  • Reduction of time expenditure on routine transactions with documents (creation, search, approval, etc.), use of mobile application to EDMS, and, as a result, acceleration of all business processes of Society;
  • Ensuring control over discipline and sense of duty of employees;
  • Creation of the conditions contributing to the development of corporate culture by optimization of interaction of employees and development of horizontal communications taking into account growth of responsibility of everyone for high-quality accomplishment of the task issued to it.

For accomplishment of effective objectives the following tasks are solved:

  • Interviews with owners of system modules are conducted, requirements to automation on document types are approved;
  • The target architecture of CIS of e-document flow by modules is designed;
  • Setup of a system according to requirements to modules is carried out;
  • User training is provided.

The Following Tasks Were Performed:

  • Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
  • Sale of the selected software products
  • Delivery of software products in office of the customer
  • Software installation on the customer's computers

The Following Functions Were Automated:

  • Document flow (ECM)
    • Maintaining nomenclature of affairs
    • Office-work
    • Work with citizens' appeals
    • Accounting of agreements
    • Accounting and control of execution of instructions
    • Accounting and document storage
    • Time recording

  • Business process management and IT processes

    • Business process automation
    • Information technology management (ITIL)