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MKB optimized verification of borrowers using NBKI service

Customers: Moscow Credit Bank (MCB)

Product: NBKI: Request processing of the customer in a databank of FSSP of Russia

Project date: 2019/01  - 2019/06

On July 8, 2019 the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH) reported that the Moscow Credit Bank (MCB) was connected to service "Request processing of the customer in a databank of FSSP of Russia". With its help the bank will be able quickly to check the individuals which addressed for credit products, for existence in their relation of enforcement proceedings.

Connection to service of NBKI provides to creditors access to detailed information on enforcement proceeding concerning the borrower, including number and date of its excitation. Work with base also gives the chance to learn details of the executive document, the amount of an outstanding debt, coordinate of division of FSSP and the court bailiff and also date and the basis of completion of enforcement proceeding.

will allow us to check Access to base of enforcement proceedings FSSP of Russia through NBKI service quickly borrowers at a stage of the provisional solution, before receiving consent to a request of the credit report. Among other advantages of service there is a convenience of its integration into our decision making system about issuance of credits, efficiency of obtaining information, its accuracy and also the minimum costs for automation,


The NBKI service improves quality of verification of borrowers, significantly simplifying creditors process of collecting of necessary information on debtors. It is important to note that access to base of enforcement proceedings of FSSP on traditional channels of interaction from NBKI allows banks to obtain all necessary information to assessment risk profile of the borrower, optimizing thereby decision making process about issuance of credit,
comments Alexey Volkov, the marketing director of NBKI