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Korus OSA

The name of the base system (platform): Microsoft Azure
Developers: Corus Consulting
Branches: Trade
Technology: BI,  SCM,  SaaS - Software as service

KORUS OSA is a cloud service, own development Korus Konsaltinga constructed using technologies machine obucheniyamicrosoft by Azure.

2019: Possibilities of Korus OSA

Among opportunities of KORUS OSA service for August, 2019:

  • Solution of the problem of Out-of-Stock for an hour, but not next day, thanks to operational receipt of information on deficit
  • The hourly analysis during the working day, it is possible to define in what exact time there was a shortage of goods that will allow to count the missed sales with a high accuracy
  • The analysis of the reasons of Out-of-Stock with a possibility of their operational elimination and also a responsibility personification

According to developers, service automatically reveals situations of "Out-of-stock" on each position in assortment of shop and creates the broad picture on the missed sales and their reasons – both for the last day, and in dynamics. Also service helps with carrying out monthly local inventory. A system reveals problems in merchandising in each outlet and according to each nomenclature, announces managers of shops the reasons. This information forms the basis for more point reconciliation of a remaining balance.

In addition, KORUS OSA analyzes origins of empty shelves. So a system defines that the situation could arise because of errors of merchandisers, failures of a system of the autoorder and wrong forecast of orders or because of violation of the delivery schedule by suppliers. After the analysis of the reasons service quickly creates recommendations for elimination of shortage of goods.

Connection to KORUS OSA allows top management of the company to make quickly decisions on the basis of analytical reports which contain information on deficit of goods, the missed sales and the reasons of shortage, the exact time of emergence and correction of a problem.