Customers: Gazprombank-Asset Management
Contractors: Sintegro consulting Product: XBRL factoryProject date: 2019/02 - 2019/07
2019: Product introduction XBRL Factory
On August 14, 2019 the Sintegro consulting company reported that JSC GPB-UA submits the reporting to the Bank of Russia using the XBRL Factory software product.
JSC GPB-UA addressed to Sintegro consulting LLC for automation of process of filling of forms of accounting (financial) (BFO) and also the supervising (statistical) (NIS) reporting in the XBRL format of the Bank of Russia.
Specialists of Sintegro consulting LLC suggested to use own development - the XBRL Factory software product which allows to perform preparation of the set reporting forms, to carry out their validation, to export for the subsequent visualization. The mobility and flexibility of XBRL Factory allow to change timely functionality of a system according to needs of the customer and to create mechanisms of autocompletion of forms.
Specialists of Sintegro consulting LLC implemented for JSC GPB-UA an automated assembly of necessary forms of accounting (financial) (BFO) and also the supervising (statistical) (NIS) reporting for the subsequent submission to the Bank of Russia and PJSC Moscow Exchange.
Besides, the XBRL Factory software product gives flexible opportunities for integration into other programs. Within the project specialists of JSC GPB-UA independently configured import of data for providing the reporting under mutual investment funds (reports on forms 0420502, 0420503 and other forms of the reporting) from the accounting system of 1C-Rarus company in the XBRL Factory system.
Sintegro consulting LLC is one of the main partners in automation of the internal accounting systems. The company successfully implemented the Sintegro OSBU and XBRL Factory software products. Also between JSC GPB-UA and Sintegro consulting LLC the agreement on support of systems according to which regular providing the last releases of programs and consultations on work with them is provided is signed, told Tupitsyn Alexander, the deputy chief of department of information technologies of JSC GPB-UA