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Check of the employee (service of Sberbank)

Developers: Sberbank of Russia
Date of the premiere of the system: August, 2019
Branches: Internet services

2019: Start of service

On August 20, 2019 Sberbank provided service which will help the companies to check candidates for work. The solution under the name "Check of the Employee" is addressed to small firms which are not able to afford to hire HR specialists and security service specialists. It is said in the press release which was received by edition TAdviser.

The service among other information provides to entrepreneurs the information on validity of the passport or the temporary certificate of candidates, on existence at them of problems with the law, penalties, debts. Data from the checked and official sources and also behavior of the person on social networks are analyzed.

Sberbank provided service for check of candidates for work

An inspection can be also carried out concerning partners and suppliers of goods and services before the conclusion of partnership agreements, owners of apartments before hiring of a living space, at job invitation of the nurse, driver, etc.

Sberbank says that service cannot check the identity of the person without his consent — its passport data and consent to personal data processing are necessary for the procedure. All data which are collected by "Check of the employee" are scooped from open sources, approves bank.

Service includes three types of checks: basic (490 rubles), complex (990 rubles) and check of the driver (690 rubles), and a set of parameters, depending on the selected type, from 13 to 21 varies. The term of order fulfillment is about 10 minutes. Service is developed together with Partner Environment company.

Earlier in August, 2019 the Russian recruiting service Skillaz provided function which allows to monitor dismissals and employment of employees, and then to automatically create declarations of vacancies and to process responses. The company told that the new feature from Skillaz will be completely independent — human participation will not be required at one of stages of its work.