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Баннер в шапке 2

Moscow windows (1C: Enterprise 8.2)

Customers: Moscow windows

Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials

Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2005/07  - 2007/04


Creation of a system of financial control and planning of the company was a main objective of this project.

One of the main difficulties of this project was the fact that most divisions of the company, such as production, order management, calculation of specifications and management of operational activity of the company, is made in other systems.

When implementing the project the systems of collecting and transformation of data were written to "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". The contractor tried to use functionality of the standard solution as much as possible.

Generally efforts were directed to creation of a management system for operational finance of the company and creation of a budgeting system, but, at the same time, it was necessary to resolve many issues which were worked insufficiently out in the existing automation systems of the company.

In particular, during implementation of this project were automated:

  • 1. Payroll calculation of personnel of the customer. Different schemes of charge are implemented, since salaries and finishing with different options of price-work and bonus options of charges to the staff of the company.
  • 2. The system of operational management of cash flows on the basis of requests for costs and the system of tracking of execution of requests for money is constructed.
  • 3. In production division of the company automation of the center of supply and inventory management is made.
  • 4. Multiple processings on data transfer from other systems were written.

After carrying out the above and other preparatory activities, debuggings of reflection of operational activity of the company in the managerial chart of accounts "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" were constructed managerial balance of the company and other basic reports for Company management that was an important milestone in implementation of this project.

On the next stage of implementation the system of creation of budgets of the company was created. At the same time the standard functionality of a budget subsystem actually did not change. The main labor costs were spent for "domestication of budgets" within this subsystem.

As a result of the carried-out works on implementation the main objective was achieved - all information on operational and budget management of finance of the company is made within a single system.

Work of finance division, human resource department and some related departments and jobs is automated. Complete management accounting + budgeting, cash management, payroll calculation, including complex circuits of a piece-work pay.