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IP Makeenkov Sergey Viktorovich (1C:Enterprise 8.3)

Customers: IP Makeenkov Sergey Viktorovich

Smolensk; Consumer goods

Product: 1C:Enterprise 8.3
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2013/02  - 2014/11
Number of licenses: 1

2014: Implementation 1C:Enterprise 8.3

IP Makeenkov Sergey Viktorovichyavlyaetsya producer of furniture. The company specializes in production case in an average and low-price segment.

For creation of complex automation of an enterprise management system by the management was made the decision to use the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 program. When choosing the partner for deployment of an automated system presence at the developer of experience, the fulfilled solutions and regulations, the number of the certified specialists was taken into account. Specialists of "RG-Soft Proyekt Consulting" in November, 2014 made installation of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product, a system was accepted in commercial operation. During the project a system was installed and configured, is automated 1 is working the place, the following subsystems are implemented:

  • sales management (including retail);
  • purchase management (purchase planning);
  • personnel management;
  • cash management;
  • accounting according to IFRS, budgeting.

Also service within the information and technology maintenance (ITM) is performed."