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Rostec of the AIS Expert

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: National Center of Informatization (NCI)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/09/24
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Medical information system

2019: Creation of the AIS "Expert"

On September 24, 2019 Rostec reported that it created a system on the basis of machine learning technologies which helps to check quality of treatment and to reveal violations at delivery of health care within the compulsory health insurance (CHI). The pilot region where a system is implemented, the Moscow region acted. In more detail about the project here.

AIS "Expert"

Automated information system Expert using artificial intelligence identifies the cases of delivery of health care having signs of violations or errors – in drawing up documentation, expenditure of means of compulsory health insurance and treatment of patients. Earlier this work was carried out in the "manual" mode. As a result considerably the speed, accuracy, efficiency of checks and volume of the checked data increased. The number of the revealed errors and violations grew more than by 3 times.

As a part of Rostec development and deployment of a system is conducted by the National Center of Informatization (the NCI, is included into Avtomatika concern). The Point of view company and the Center of artificial intelligence and digital economy of the Yaroslavl state university of P.G. Demidov act as partners of the project.

A system supplements a line of developments of Rostec for digitalization of a health care system. The created neuronet reveals suspicious, potentially defective cases of delivery of health care with which experts work further. Such approach allowed to increase number of the revealed violations several times. Use of a system saves time of specialists, cardinally increases quality of checks and volume of the checked data. As a result, the quality of medical care grows,
reported the CEO of the National Center of Informatization Konstantin Solodukhin

Effective control is especially important in the medical sphere. It helps to estimate quality of treatment, correctness of actions of medical personnel and justification of expenses of means of compulsory health insurance. In the Moscow region about 5 million cases of delivery of health care monthly are registered. Experts check about 5-8% from them. A system helps to select carefully for them those cases where the error probability is highest,
explained the associate director of TFCMI of the Moscow region Vadim Lukashov