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Ultimate Smart Shirt (smart shirt)

Developers: Sepiia
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2019
Branches: Light industry,  Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2019: Announcement

In the middle of October, 2019 the Spanish company Sepiia provided a smart shirt which normalizes arterial blood pressure, is not soiled and not rumpled.

Creators claim that Ultimate Smart Shirt 3.0 is the multifunction clothes developed on the basis of the latest scientific developments. The technology on the basis of bioceramics is capable to reproduce FIR (beams from distant IR spectrum) emitted by the sun. Heat generated by FIR relaxes tight muscles, expands vessels and improves a blood-groove. It allows bigger amount of nutrients, oxygen, leukocytes and antibodies to reach remote fabrics and promotes removal of products of exchange. It is considered that the similar technology in the long term normalizes a metabolism in fabrics and arterial blood pressure.

Ultimate Smart Shirt 3.0 is the multifunction clothes developed on the basis of the latest scientific developments

The smart shirt protects the owner from spots as pushes away water-based liquids and greasy substances. Tests in laboratories showed that special pyatnozashchitny processing of fabric saves 90% efficiency after 60 washings. To prolong shirt service life, developers recommend not to wash it after each carrying as the smart clothes, in addition, neutralize a body smell thanks to impact on specific bacteria.

However it will not be able to protect from smells of food or tobacco. Besides, it is recommended to iron clothes after each 5 or 6 washings as influence of heat renews protective effect.

Some of the provided styles of smart clothes minimize crushing, and others at all completely allow to get rid of folds. Developers recommend to hang up after washing or use clothes on a hanger, then folds will disappear in the eyes. Creators also guarantee that after washing the clothes do not take seat and saves the form.

By October 11, 2019 the shirt is on sale at the price of 150 euros. Also the producer offers the t-shirts made of the same material.[1]
